(With assistance of the Auburn National Trust)
'C.J. Dennis' benefactor
In 1975 Jean Moyle gave $1000 to the C.J. Dennis Homes for the Aged, at Auburn,
now Gilbert Valley Senior Citizens Homes Inc - Riverton. Read more:
Jean Moyle, nee Castine, was the third daughter of the Watervale E.W. Castine family. Her father, land valuer and trader, Ernest Castine brought electricity to the Clare Valley and later was elected MLC.
Jean was born at Watervale and educated at Watervale school and at Knightsbridge school, Adelaide, where "there were no uniforms, and no sport of the organised type of today."
Jean grew up at Penobscot, the Castine homestead and farm, at Watervale.
The family were great friends and relatives with the Sobels family living nearby at Spring Vale homestead and winery.

After his first wife Selma passed away, Ernest Castine, aged 53 in 1923, took his younger three unmarried children Jack 21, Jean 19, and Molly 17, his sister Gert 45, and father John William 77, on a trip to Cornwall England, then home via Paris and the town of Castine in Maine, USA.
Ernest married again, his 2nd wife Ena, while in Yorkshire on that trip to England.
(Read more: Clare Museum|Auburn Historian Col. J.W. Castine
Jean visited Sydney with friends as early as May 1925.
"Miss Jean Castine, of Adelaide, S.A., gave an afternoon tea party to some of her friends in Sydney. The guests included, Miss Lorna Castine, Miss Phil Leschen, Miss Audrey Wilson, and Miss Joy Wilson.
Miss Daisy Doolan, wearing a navy kasha frock, entertained at a table decorated with a basket of chrysanthemums and maidenhair fern."
Mrs. Castine Entertains

Jean gained a little publicity with the 21st birthday of her little sister Molly Castine (Sep 1927), when Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Castine entertained a number of guests at a delightful dance held in the Foresters' Hall, Watervale. A marquee was used as a supper room, and when the guests were seated at supper Miss Molly Castine blew out the 21 candles and cut the cake.
"Miss Jean Castine wore mauve taffeta."
Jean began showing her roses at Auburn in November 1927, and started showing her prize roses in Adelaide in Nov. 1929 at the FIRST ROSE SHOW OF THE REVIVED ROSE SOCIETY.
Jean had her own 'Evenings' five years later:
Thursday 24 March 1932: Mesdames Vemon Sobels and Jack Angus were joint hostesses at a party given in honor of Miss Jean Castine, whose marriage with Mr. Leslie Moyle, of Watervale, will take place early in April. The party was held at Springvale.

An evening was tendered to Miss Jean Castine in the Foresters' Hall on the eve of her approaching marriage (to Mr Leslie Moyle, illustrated left, RHS).
Miss Castine has been member of the golf and tennis clubs and has been associated with St. Mary's Church, the Red Cross Society, the Watervale Institute, as well as being district commissioner of the Girl Guides, and captain of the local company of Guides.
A competition was won by Miss W. Moyle and Mr Leslie Moyle (fiancee).
For dancing, music was supplied by Mrs. O. C. Sobels (on the piano).

April 2 1932 at Watervale:
On April 2, at St. Mary's Church, Watervale, the marriage was solemnised by the Rev. H. H. Dyson, of Gawler, assisted by Rev. B. H. Pearman, of Auburn, of Jean Vincent, third daughter of Mr. E. W. Castine and the late Mrs. Castine, of 'Penobscot,' Watervale. to Leslie James, elder son of Mr. J. L. Moyle, of 'The Sheoaks', Watervale.
They subsequently moved into the 'Fairfield' homestead and farm near Penwortham.

Tribute: After her marriage Mrs. Moyle was a regular exhibitor of cut flowers and arrangements in the Royal Adelaide Show, as well as at country shows. In later years she became a regular judge of flowers at these shows.
The garden at "Fairfield", her home at Watervale, was the scene of many charitable garden parties.
As a young girl Jean Moyle studied and painted wildflowers and in recent years she successfully exhibited her work at Watervale, Rigby's Gallery in Adelaide and at the Quorn Gallery.
Many people owe their knowledge of wildflowers to her ability to share her enthusiasm of this subject.
- Tribute to Jean Moyle, Northern Argus 20 Apr 1983 p.8
Jump to section: - Book One -"Watervale - Portrait of a Village"- First Part - The Explorers -- Second Part - Settlement Begins -- Third Part - Academic Beginnings - Fourth Part - Early Winemaking - Fifth Part - Trade and Commerce - Sixth Part - A Growing Civic Interest... - Northern Argus Review by [Clarion] - Postscript -Watervale (wines)
1: The Source -- 2: Mintaro - 3: Honeysuckle Creek - 4: Eyre Creek - 5:Auburn - 6: Rice's Creek - 7: Undalya - Long Gully - 8: Skillogolee Creek - 9: Rhynie - Woolshed Flat Creek - 10: Hermitage - Salter Spring - The Rocks - 11: Balaklava 12: Werocata - Whitwarta - Bowmans - 13: Port Wakefield - River's End -- Complete sell-out of 'Wakefield History'
Book One - "Watervale"
Twenty years after marriage Jean published her first manuscript, reviewed here...
(Note: this book may be viewed at the S.A. State Library, and the Mt. Horrocks Library)
"History Of Watervale - Portrait of a Village" by Jean V. Moyle.
This 54-page history of Watervale and the nearby settlements of Penwortham and Leasingham, some 78 miles north of Adelaide, was awarded first prize in the Jubilee Local History Competition of 1951 (probably of £500).
"The story, dating back to 1839, may not be particularly exciting, but it recalls the activities of several well-known explorers after whom landmarks of the district are named, and may entice the traveller to pause and seek points of interest hidden by the orchards and the vines.

For instance, in the century-old St. Mark's Church, Penwortham, there is a tablet to the memory of J. A. Horrocks, who named the village after his -home in England, and from whose beginnings Watervale sprang.
Besides a Government school, Watervale in 1863 had the £4,000 Stanley Grammar School, in which dining room table tops were made from polished slate slabs from the Mintaro quarry. The school was closed in 1904 and the building was sold a few years ago.
First vines in the district were planted in 1858.
Sir Walter Watson Hughes, founder of the Adelaide University, once owned the well-known property, 'Spring Vale,' which is now the winery of Buring and Sobels. The fermentation tanks are made from huge cut slabs of slate instead of concrete.
The Stanley Arms, now the Watervale Hotel, is 100 years old.
The only place in SA where the red variety of stringy bark, known as eucalyptus macrorrhyncha, grows, is in a belt on a range near Watervale."
(It is a safe assumption that the Jubilee prize of £500 allowed Jean to publish this book, printed by the Advertiser, "Portrait of a Village, Watervale 1839 - 1951" which is still in copyright to her family in Auburn.)
This Portrait of a Village is divided into Six Parts: Here are some highlights:
First Part - The Explorers
Pages 1 - 6
Here we learn that the first explorer of the area was named Hill, and he named the Wakefield, Hutt and Hill Rivers. This Mr. Hill was a friend of explorer Edward John Eyre who first brought cattle to S.A. from N.S.W. along the River Murray.

"I can only imagine how lovely it would be, so long ago, unspoiled by axe or saw, by cattle, sheep or rabbits. Hills were heavily timbered with eucalypts, and gentle slopes covered with sheoak, native pine, banksia and wild cherry. Wattle and Christmas bush and prickly acacia made dense growth, and all kinds of wildflowers grew in the shade."
The story then begins of explorer young John Ainsworth Horrocks, described as "remarkably brave, tall (standing 6 feet 3 inches), strong, active and affectionate, deeply religious and most upright in character - a leader in sport and fond of life in the open."
"One of Admiral Hawker's sons was a favourite of Horrocks, and soon three Hawker sons were settled on land in the district some miles further north, Horrocks lending tools, cart, horses, etc., to make their start. ... John Horrocks will ever live in memory as one of the noblest specimens, both in mind and body, of the human species."
"It was from the Horrocks settlement that Watervale started."
Second Part - Settlement Begins
Pages 7 - 19
"As our first settler came Reuben Solly, and 1845 there came Mr. and Mrs. Wheller and daughter Anne... Wheller died in 1854, and later Mrs. Wheller became the wife of Reuben Solly."
"On 'Watervale Farm' were planted a patch of vines from cuttings given to Mrs. Solly by Father Krenewitter, of Seven Hills College, the vines of the college having been raised from cuttings given by Mr. Hawker of Bungaree."
David Davies arrived in 1840 as manager for Clare's E.B. Gleeson, of Inchiquin. Later he bought "Dalor" ('the best field') and the land which became the township of Watervale.
Captain Walter Watson Hughes bought the land inherited by John Green from J.A. Horrocks. Hughes was often a guest of David Davies while Hughes' house 'The Peak' was being built.
"In 1845 ... a rich copper mine was discovered at Burra, .... and the only means of transport
was by bullock dray, carrying two to three tons of ore. For three months, 5,300 tons of copper ore was sent to Port Adelaide by bullock dray, sometimes as many as 110 unloading in one day.

Horses were used to drive the machinery at the mine, and they, with the bullocks, had to be fed. Much hay was bought from Mr. Solly at Penwortham ... As the number of horses at work on the mines was now over 70, and increasing, it meant fully 300 tons of hay per year were required, besides bran and wheat. Clare, Watervale and Auburn supplied most of this."
"This constant carting of wood, wheat and hay explains why the roads skirting the foot of Mount Horrocks were so much in use...
The attractive little valley known as Watervale appealed to many, and soon cottages sprang up in all directions."
Jean Moyle also discusses Francis Treloar and Watervale cemetery, and the formation of Leasingham, lists its residents, and recounts the history of the Ashton family, after the death of William Ashton (Ashton's Gaol/Hotel). Then she recounts how German settlers planted the first vines at "Marella" and "this stream of grape juice was to become the life stream of Watervale itself."

The last section of this 'Part' deals with the arrival of highly educated Joseph Stear Carlyon Cole in S.A., whom Joseph Bleechmore set in charge of Auburn School, but Cole quit to teach at Pulteney Street Grammar School for a few months, and then returned to Watervale to start a school in the first Watervale Bible Christian chapel, erected 1855.
In 1861 the new Watervale government school opened with Cole as its first headmaster. Then in 1863 he started building the Stanley Grammar School next door.
Third Part - Academic Beginnings
Pages 20 - 26
While opening with the history of the Stanley Grammar School, most of this 'Part' deals with the development of businesses and election of Parliamentarians.
"Watervale has .. been able to play quite an important part in the political history of South Australia, and helped to create some fine politicians:
Hon. Sir J. J. Duncan (12 February 1845 – 8 October 1913)
Hon. Sir David Gordon (4 May 1865 – 12 February 1946)
Hon. E. W. Castine (Jean Moyle's father, 26 November 1869 – 8 February 1955)
Hon. W. G. Duncan, (10 March 1885 – 27 August 1963)
Senator J. G. Duncan Hughes (1 September 1882 – 13 August 1962)
All had been members of the Liberal Party."
After discussing the police needs of Watervale, the author details the prominence of Captain Hughes in Watervale's story.
"He bought "Dalore" and Green's gardens, now known to us as "Hughes Park". As well he bought "Spring Vale" and the property "Fairfield" in Penwortham." (the author's home). John Duncan was responsible for the planning and development of the whole (Hughes Park) place, as it is now (1951).
Sir John Duncan opened up a well at the "Peak" on the westerly side of Hughes Park, and, with the construction of a reservoir and a reticulation scheme, enabled settlers on the westerly dry areas at Hoyleton and Halburty to receive a much-needed water supply."
Jean Moyle's grandfather Colonel J. W. Castine wrote in 1935:
"Not far distant from 'Hughes Park' on the western hillside known as 'the Peake', (an early Hughes residence) was a splendid well of water It occurred to (Duncan) that if the well were enlarged and the spring opened up, sufficient water would be available to meet the wants of the settlers.

A scheme was submitted to the South Australian Government and approved.
Two 12-ft. drives were made from the bottom of the well, resulting in a continuous daily supply of from 20,000 to 30,000 gallons being obtained.
The water was siphoned into a large reservoir known as Tiller's Dam, several miles distant. En route were several standpipes for the convenience of the settlers.
From Tiller's Dam pipes were laid on to what was then known as Shrubsole's Corner, near the town of Halbury, and water was reticulated in many directions.
The generous contributor to this water scheme will not be forgotten by many of the old residents, who declared at the time that the previous want of a supply had almost led to their holdings being abandoned." - Chapter IV. Watervale And Penwortham
"Of six Duncan children, only two were born at Watervale, John and Walter ... later to become Sir Walter Duncan, M.P. and president of the Legislative Council of S.A."

In 1918, as a Coalitionist, Walter Duncan was returned to the Legislative Council as a member for Midland, the district which his father had represented in 1900 - 1913. Ability, and an electoral system that favoured rural property owners, kept him there for forty-four years.
An astute, practical and likeable man, Duncan emerged as a major figure in the State's commercial, agricultural and political life.
He was a director (1922-62) of Broken Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd and, with Harold Darling, was one of Essington Lewis's closest friends; all three crossed the continent from Adelaide to Darwin by train and car in 1924.
South Australia's industrial development at Whyalla owed much to Duncan's influence in B.H.P. and Australian Iron & Steel Pty. Ltd.
A source of personal and professional satisfaction to Duncan was his long association with the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia.
As president in 1924-25 (and also in 1932-1950) he oversaw the move from North Terrace to the Wayville showgrounds; much of the new venture's success was due to his efforts. In 1939 he was knighted.
Fourth Part - Early Winemaking
Pages 27 - 32

"It was in 1863 that "Spring Vale" was acquired. Here, two years later, Capt. Hughes planted 50 acres of vines. In 1868 the first wine cellar was built, and Capt. Hughes applied for a manager.

From four applicants Mr. C.A. Sobels of Tanunda was chosen."
"Vineyards and wineries form one of the best scenic aspects of South Australia, and Watervale and Spring Vale vineyards are no exceptions. On the hilly country of the district they form an old-world picturre of fertile soil and intense cultivation."
Jean Moyle discusses the Sobels' contribution to Watervale and district.
-- (Jean has authored a history of their Quelltaler winery, please read on for the details) --
"The "Spring Vale" house was rebuilt into an attractive and modern dwelling in 1940. This winery, which was growing rapidly, employs many of Watervale's town people" (1951).

Mr. Carl August Sobels, was one of the best-known figures in the wine industry in South Australia for many year. Mr Sobels was born at Quedlinburg, Hanover, and when ten years of age arrived in South Australia with his parents in 1818.
His father was a practical wine maker, having studied the industry in Europe. The family settled in the Tanunda district, and Mr. Sobels, snr was the first to enter into wine making in that part.
He carried on business there for a number of years and at his death, in 1863 was succeeded by Mr. Carl Sobels, who from his boyhood had acquired a thorough knowledge of wine and vine culture.
He was acknowledged to be one of the most expert winemakers in Australia. In1868 he was connected with the business of Mr J M Richman, for who he acted as winemaker, the well known Spring Vale wines then being manufactured by Mr Sobels.
"Mr. E. W. Castine, (Jean's father) born and living in Auburn, and married to Selma, eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Sobels, also bought from James Richman the property "Fairfield" (Jean's adult home) and from Charles Solly the land known as "Marella" and "Lynch's", and the target paddock."
"The Watervale property he named "Penobscot" after the bay in Maine, U.S.A., on which the town of Castine is situated."
"He married Ena, daughter of Rev. Warren, Sheffield U.K. in 1923.
He was an excellent judge of sheep and cattle, and was for many years buyer and inspector of stock for Sir Sidney Kidman... During World War I he was stock buyer and inspector for the Government of South Australia."
Fifth Part - Trade and Commerce
Pages 33 - 43
Jean discusses the Foresters' Hall, built in 1872, and its achievements, and the Court Bushmen's Home.
"Mr. Shepherd, who built the Foresters' Hall, built his own home ...in 1853. This property, "The Sheoaks", was bought by Charles Solly, and later by Richard Dunstan, of Leasingham, and in 1923 Walter Moyle became the owner. He retains the "Sheoaks" which has vineyards, grazing and a dairy farm.
Son Leslie, married to Jean (the author), third daughter of E. W. Castine, has been living for 20 years at "Fairfield"."

"The Post Office was built in 1882... Watervale at this time had 70 houses and a population of 327. Communication with Adelaide was coach to Saddleworth and then train twice daily."
Jean also discusses the history of butchering in Watervale. In particular, she admired the work of George Merrett, who gave house-to-house service with cart, driving a spanking pair (of horses).
"Watervale had a flourishing rifle club in 1881. I think the shooting range was the first in the district. Even the ladies had their shots at the target.... The rifle club has remained active up to the present, but I have it on good authority that it no longer has lady members. Ladies! Have we become timid with the march of progress? I fear so."
Jean Moyle discusses Mrs. Perry and Mrs. Glendeming's cottages. Then, in discussing the Grace family, she mentions that the farm known as "Kadlunga" was owned by the Copper Company. She also mentions Chris Johnson who became an Engineer in the Water Supply Department in 1913, and became resident engineer at the Murray River locks he built.
"In 1945 the Burgess brothers and the Sobels bought some 400 acres of the late Richard Dunstan Estate, Leasingham, with the idea of planting this land with vines.... On this property a system of contour banking was carried out by Mr. Beare, assistant soil conservator (of the Watervale Agricultural Bureau)."
This Part concludes with a description of the building and worship at St Mary's Church.
Sixth Part - A Growing Civic Interest...
Pages 44 - 54
In 1910 Mr John Pope established an apiary in the district, now with a factory at Penwortham.
"This has become an industry of which Watervale is justly proud. Honey goes everywhere."
"The Watervale Institute was opened in 1915 by Mrs. C. A. Sobels... The year 1918 saw the completion of the railway line from Riverton to Clare (via Watervale)."
"Electric light came to Watervale in 1925. It was supplied by the Mid-Northern Electricity Company of Clare, of which Hon. E.W. Castine (Jean's father) was a director and original shareholder. E.T.S.A. took over this company in 1948."
"Watervale residents have been and are noted for their love of trees."
"The first street trees were Tasmanian Gums and pepper trees. The gum trees outgrew their period of usefulness and were removed, and the street replanted with American Ash in 1926."
"The Watervale Red Cross Branch was started in 1914... Mrs. E. W. Castine was president for 16 years, the longest term of office held by any president."
"The year 1927 saw the formation of a Girl Guide Company with Jean Castine as captain."
"A magnificent golf course is laid out on Castine property known as "Lynch's."

"There is no bowling club, but I feel I must mention that E. W. Castine, a bowler of Clare Club, ... was successful in winning the open bowls championship for pairs (in a bowling tournament at Hastings, U.K.)
"Wildflowers are to be found in the hills in the shade of eucalypts and shrubs.... There are many orchids - brown-white and blue spiders, cowslips and donkey-pears, spotted tails and green-hoods, and many others, but they are shy and must be sought".
"Yes, Watervale is indeed a pretty little village, but with a big heart."
"The foundation of this story was laid many years ago when I called on the late Mr. Frank Treloar, who told me much of the early history of Watervale, and gave me a copy of his informative little book, "The Burra Mine."
"I hope you have as much pleasure in reading the story as I have enjoyed in compiling it."
Jean V. Moyle
Fine Booklet by Watervale Writer.
[By 'Clarion.']
THERE comes to us this week a review copy of a booklet entitled 'Portrait of a Village' by Jean V. Moyle of Watervale. Frontpiece cover takes the form of a Road Map, with Watervale the central focus for the surrounding areas of Penwortham, Leasingham and Auburn.
As a factual record of historical significance 1839 to 1951, it is a worthy and worthwhile contribution to the all too little recorded history of the pioneering days which many other centres could well emulate.
The author, with facile pen, has been to much trouble, and with sentimental care and exactitude, successfully elaborated a factual canvas with the pioneering elements that have formed part and parcel of the life and work, not only of the first settlers and pioneers, but of the spirit of progress, hardships, trials, tribulations and ultimate successes of succeeding generations.
To accomplish this the author had to have access to records net only of the Archives Dept., but the elaboration of pioneer descendants and the scrap heap of sentiment and anecdote handed down from generation to generation.

To dovetail all these items in their special sequence has undoubtedly been a task involving many years of research, careful analysis and winnowing of the grain from the chaff, so that posterity would have a complete and historical record and inspiration for all the years ahead. The span passes in kalaedioscopic array from 1839 down to to-day, embracing a period of 113 years.
Posterity will be the richer for the self-sacrificing work of the Watervale historian, Jean V. Moyle.
The story commences with the finding and naming of the Wakefield, Hutt and Hill Rivers in the time of Edward John Eyre, the first white man to pass this way in 1839.
Threads of the warp and weft of the pattern unfold with life at early Penwortham when settlement begins.
Subsequent history expands upon the founding of Watervale, its early settlement and taking up of 80 acre sections.
The author expands upon the life of early Leasingham and intimate pen descriptions about the establishment of Auburn.
Interspersed between the various chapters are glowing descriptions of the personal magnetism of the early settlers and the story unfolds its way in each settlement with pen sketches of many family groups.
Hardly one family in the whole of the areas of Watervale, Penwortham, Leasingham and Auburn, has been left out — a mammoth task, told with clarity and factual exactitude that should commend the book to people in all walks of life and to Watervale folk and descendants wherever domiciled.

Lives of famous men and women over the 113 years grace its pages. The cultural educational background of the Stanley Grammer School has forever made the name of Watervale famous.
Men of Science, Art, literature and the professions pass in grand array.
Perhaps nowhere else in- the Commonwealth has such a small area produced so many giants of intellect and promise in the world of Political endeavor and Parliamentary representation.
Tales of the first doctor; the first Steeplechase; the early wine-making; the academic beginning; census of population; houses of 1872 and today; all lend charm and dignity to as brave an epic of Australian colonization and ultimate progress and success as you could wish to read.
It is not for me to tell you here the ultimate story enfolded in its pages. Classification and piece-meal selection of individual lifework from pioneer days onward would only lead to criticism as being preferential.
It is for you to read Jean Moyle's epic of the 113 years of Watervale. Copies can be obtained in Clare from Mr. Alx. H. Ness News Agency and Fancy Goods Store.
A copy should find a place in every book-shelf, particularly Mid-Northern areas, where the drama of life unfolded itself and is faithfully recorded for your delectation by the author, herself a Watervale citizen.
The 150th Anniversary of Watervale was marked by another small history,
"Watervale - The Village amongst the Vines". by Geraldine Pearce and Elizabeth Hadley, subtitled "prelude: Watervale 150 years the home of the laughing vines".

Interestingly, this 'prelude' of 1997 then spends eleven pages on the history of Quelltaler winery at Spring Vale.
This is 30 years after Quelltaler published its own history:
"A history of H. Buring & Sobels Ltd", and we know the text was written by Jean Moyle.

Jean Moyle was also the author of three wine biographies at the
Buring, Adolph Wilhelm Rudolph (Rudi) (1872–1950) vigneron
Buring, Hermann Paul Leopold (Leo) (1876–1961) vigneron
Buring, Theodor Gustav Hermann (1846–1919) store-keeper and vigneron and a biography in 1981 of the founder of Stanley Grammar School:
Cole, Joseph Stear Carlyon (1832–1916) schoolmaster
Book Two - Quelltaler
A history of H. Buring & Sobels Ltd.
1,000 copies published 1967 - Copyright - Privately Printed for H. Buring & Sobels Ltd.
46 pages, heavily illustrated with monochrome photographs
You may view a copy at the State Library of S.A.
(Jean Moyle is not identified as the author, but reading the academic biographies mentioned above will leave you in no doubt !)
Chapter 1 Arrival of the Sobels family in South Australia in 1847 p.11
Chapter 2 The Origin of 'Quellthal' p.13
Chapter 3 Arrival of the Buring family in South Australia in 1848 p.17
Chapter 4 A happy family life at Spring Vale p.18
Chapter 5 A partnership begins and a Trade Name is created p.21
Chapter 5 Steady progress and prosperity p.23
Chapter 7 Out of trouble--into success p.25
Chapter 8 And then war broke out p.27
Chapter 9 The pioneering of the Founders comes to an end p.28
Chapter 10 On the look-out for new markets p.31
Chapter 11 Completion of buildings in Springvale and acquisition
of Quelltaler House p.33
Chapter 12 Leo Buring rejoins the firm as is appointed
Managing Director p.35
Chapter 13 The advent of 'Granfiesta' p.37
Chapter 14 Another World War brings changes p.38
Chapter 15 A notable event in the State's viticultural history p.41
Chapter 15 A modernized Spring Vale p.45

In the 1850s, Mr Carl Sobels produced the first wine in the Tanunda district In 1869 Carl successfully applied for the manager ship of the Spring Vale winery at Watervale, then owned by Captain Walter Watson Hughes.
The name of Spring Vale was given to the holding when is was taken up by Francis Treloar in 1851, because of the many springs which welled in the area. Captain W.W. Hughes bought Spring Vale in 1863. The Sobels family moved into spacious Spring Vale house. The thriving winery of 117 acres, with cellars, casks, and wine, was bought for £9,000 in 1890 by the new partnership of H. Buring & Sobels.
In 1848 Frederick Buring and family reach South Australia. In 1879 son Hermann Buring moved to Kent Town, opened a business in Pirie Street and continued distributing Spring Vale wines. In 1897 the business was moved to Unity Chambers, Currie Street.
Carl Sobels was lovable, fun-loving, musical and devoted to his family. His wife Meta was the strength of the family, very hospitable and they entertained widely including Governors of the State. By 1890, they had thirteen children and their education was a problem. Four children attended Stanley Grammar School.
The name 'Quelltaler' (Native of Spring Vale) became the firm's trademark. For two years from 1898, Leo Buring, second son of Hermann Buring became cellarman at Spring Vale.
Herman Buring and Carl Sobels decided in 1910 to convert their growing partnership into a limited company. Rudi Buring, a talented draughtsman and artist became the first secretary of the company. He designed all the bottle labels for the company.
Spring Vale has union trouble, and district members of the Liberal Union voluntarily assisted in the grape picking. A large vintage festival was held with a motto displaying "Alls Well That Ends Well". Spring Vale wines were most successful at Wine Shows.
1914 brings World War and a disastrous drought. A successful bore was sunk to 1613 feet at Spring Vale. They purchased the neighbouring property named "Prospect".
In 1919 Hermann Buring died, and Carl Sobels retired, then aged 80. In 1922 horse and dray were replaced with a Ford truck. In 1925 electricity supply reached Spring Vale, and a dam on a southern creek allowed irrigation to proceed.
The 1920s were years of boom until depression arrived in 1928-29.
In 1932 the new Spring Vale building was completed for storage of wine. In 1934 the firm's Adelaide office was transferred to the freehold premises of Quelltaler house, regarded as one of the most interesting and attractive of Adelaide Buildings.
Leo Buring progressed from cellarman at Spring Vale in 1900 to forming his own business in 1931. In 1934 his name was indelibly associated with the best in wine.
Quelltaler's Granfiesta flor fino type of sherry, becomes a champion sherry in 1936, after years of experimental blending by Emil Sobels, who unfortunately died in 1936.
In 1941 Emil Sobels' third son Larry became winemaker at the age of 26, and concentrated on lifting production and maintaining quality of Granfiesta sherry. There was a strong demand for Buring and Sobels wines by the British and United States armed forces.
On 11 December 1945, three months after the end of the second World War, a Jubilee Luncheon was held at Quelltaler House which marked the 55th anniversary of the formation of the company. Late frosts in 1946 destroyed 40% of fruit buds, and grapes had to be obtained from the Riverland. Leo Buring resigned from the board due to ill-health. In 1961 a Flinders Street building was acquired as a storage centre for bottled wines.
A new office and modern laboratory was built at Spring Vale in 1957. Leo Buring died in 1961 after a long illness. The firm celebrated its centenary with 300 guests at a barbecue in the grounds of Spring Vale,including 30 direct descendants of Carl and Meta Sobels.
Wine List Australia report:
Over the past seventy years a number of memorable wines have been released under the Leo Buring name. In 2002 the winery returned to its roots, making only Riesling
Among the many personalities that have shaped the Australian wine industry over the past 150 years one name stands pre-eminent, Leo Buring. Hermann Paul Leopold Buring was a highly skilled winemaker and is often described as Australia's Ambassador for Wine because he was one of the first to export Australian wine to many countries as far back as the early 1900s.
Buring graduated as Dux from the Oenology course at Roseworthy Agricultural College in 1896. He then gained practical experience in Europe before settling back in Australia at Minchinbury in 1902. Four years later, his wines earned 6 gold medals at The Brewers and Wine Exhibition in London.
Over the years, Leo Buring established an international reputation as Australia's foremost maker of Riesling.
Buring finally achieved his dream at the age of 68 when he bought the Orange Grove Winery at Tanunda, in the Barossa Valley, which he re-named to Chateau Leonay. It became the label of Buring's flagship wine, combining intense fruit flavours with great elegance, and to this day is arguably Australia's pre-eminent Riesling.
Buring's influence in introducing Australia to table wine has been far reaching. His influence on the industry, ranging from technical advice to government reports, resulted in many improvements to Australian viticulture and viniculture. Acclaimed wine critic and judge, James Halliday, once described Leo Buring as, "the greatest maker of Rhine Riesling in Australia" and Australia's foremost producer of Rieslings over a 30-year period!"
Book 3 - 'The Wakefield, Its Water and Its Wealth'
Published by Jean V. Moyle, 1975, paperback 192 pages
This book may be viewed at the S.A. State Library, and the Clare History Room.
"26 Oct. 1975: Auburn - It was standing room only at the Institute Hall last Sunday afternoon, when the historical book "The Wakefield -- Its Water and Its Wealth" was launched by Mrs. Clayton Dunn of Tarlee.

Written by Mrs. Jean V. Moyle of Riverton (formerly of Watervale) with sketches by Mrs. Mervinia Masterman of Undalya and archivist research work by Miss May Meller of Auburn, Mrs. Dunn commended this book as well chosen, based as it was on the waters of the Wakefield.
Mr. Arthur Kench, Vice-President of the Gilbert Senior Citizens Homes Committee congratulated the ladies on the publishing of the book. He announced that any profits made from the sale of the book would be donated to the homes; this was greeted with loud applause."

Chapter Extracts Index
1: The Source -- 2: Mintaro - 3: Honeysuckle Creek - 4: Eyre Creek - 5:Auburn - 6: Rice's Creek - 7: Undalya - Long Gully - 8: Skillogolee Creek - 9: Rhynie - Woolshed Flat Creek - 10: Hermitage - Salter Spring - The Rocks - 11: Balaklava 12: Werocata - Whitwarta - Bowmans - 13: Port Wakefield - River's End
Extract Chapter 1 : THE SOURCE
"In all modern colonial development. the greatest single contributor to an organised system...was Edmund Gibbon Wakefield. South Australia was the result of an intelligent design, which marked an important epoch in colonization."
"As far as is known, (Wakefield) never set foot in South Australia, but he is honoured by having a meandering river named after him."

"Black Range... a low, lightly timbered range south of Burra has a long granite ridge which mothers the first watery trickle, which grow to become the River Wakefield."
Jean Moyle tells of the charming eriostemon shrub which grows there, on the property named "Felwake", and then recounts the story of Edward Bowman, for whom Martindale Hall was built, and the family of his employee Henry Dunn.
Recounting the route of the Gulf Road, leading to the loading port of Port Henry, Jean Moyle notes it was named for Sir Henry Ayers, and later renamed Port Wakefield after the river ending there.
"From Mount Horrocks, the Kadlunga Creek skirts the southern border of the Mintaro township, then meets the Mintaro stream, and conjoined, they flow into the Wakefield, near Martindale Hall."
Kadlunga Farm, near Mintaro, was sold by the English and Australian Copper Company Ltd. in 1870. It consisted of 937 acres, fenced with buildings and "a fine stream of fresh water always running."
"Kadlunga, land of sweet water, adds much to the water, and the wealth, of the Wakefield."
Extract Chapter 2 : MINTARO
"In later years it was said that town contained only five citizens who did not make their living from the land, in some form or another."
"Burra Street, the private road of the Burra Mining Company, became the main throroughfare... the early settlers found ready sale for their wares to the Burra Mining Company and its employees."
"In 1867 the Jesuit fathers opened a school, which became known as Horan's school, which continued until 1874 when the Sisters of St. Joseph opened a convent school near the church, which ... operated until 1957."

"To the Misses Tobin, whose sister married Mr Dennis, a hotel keeper at Auburn, their young nephew, C.J. Dennis, often came to spend a holiday."
"As late as 1905 the Primitive Methodist church was bought, renovated and became St. Peter's Church of England... It would be hard to think of this church and not remember the Mortlock family (of Martindale) and the faithful worship of a small group."
"The slate and flagstone quarry .. gave a unique and charming appearance to the town."
"Today with a population of approximately 100 and enviable rainfall... Mintaro maintains the pictureque village of its forefathers".
Martindale Station and homestead are located at the junction of Wookie Creek and the Wakefield. Jean Moyle gives a solid history of the Martindale development and its owners. "W. T Mortlock died in 1913, and Martindale was inherited by his widow, Rosye Forsyth Mortlock, who continued to reside there with her two sons."
Read more: Clare Museum | History of Martindale Hall
"The river, rather reluctantly, leaves Martindale Hall and continues ... where a racecourse, no longer in use, was laid out. Where it leaves the Martindale estate the Wakefield is joined by Honeysuckle Creek, as it enters the St. Andrew's property."

Extract - Chapter 3 : HONEYSUCKLE CREEK
"Honeysuckle Creek flows from Mount Horrocks in a south-easterly direction... Honeysuckle Flat is the name given to the area at the base of that side of the mount... On section 237 of Honeysuckle Flat George Sandow settled in 1854... which he named "Trelawny"... the regular church work of both Mr and Mrs Arthur Sandow helped, greatly, to maintain the stability of Methodism in Mintaro."

"Valentine Mayr, later to become a fine citizen of Watervale, built a cottage and planted orchard and vineyards at "Morella... later then it was bought by E.W. Castine of Watervale."
Jean recounts a history of St. Andrews, and its winery, a property which has had a history of horse handling and even exhibition of some Clydesdale horses.
Extract - Chapter 4 : Eyre Creek
"Eyre creek tumbles rapidly form almost the steepest side of mount Horrocks. From its beginning, high up on the mountain side, the creek is lined with trees... as the creek passes into the "Fairfield" property... its water is pure and sweet."

"In the early 1850s 'Fairfield', with other properties, was bought by Walter Watson Hughes... though he owned 'Fairfield', he never lived there. It is thought he meant to build a fine home, for he employed English gardeners, Babcock and Lewcock, to establish a garden and a long and beautiful driveway."
"Inherited by nephew James Richman in 1887, 'Fairfield' was leased by Charles Solly, and in 1914 was sold to E.W. Castine... In 1932 it was taken over by Leslie J. Moyle who, with a helpful wife (the author) ... set about a long term project of property improvement."
Eyre Creek flows close by Springvale winery, from which was produced the outstanding Quelltaler hock.
Jean recounts the history of Watervale and the success of Stanley Grammar School.
"Eyre Creek winds through the 'Penobscot" property of the Castine family, where Ernest William (Jean's father) resided from 1900 until his death in 1955."
"Vineyards mark the entrance to Leasingham, named after a parish of Lincolnshire, England... This area has been termed the 'garden of the north'."
The author expands upon the story of Joseph Meller and family,who were experienced stonemasons and opened a quarry above "Brookvale". Their strong and durable bluish grey stone was used for the Adelaide Museum, School of Mines, Public Library and the Art Gallery. Their local legacies are three stepped mounting blocks "for the riders of the day" and large pickling troughs cut from single blocks and large enough to take a pig, full length.
"Beevers Meller" ('Bede') has a daughter, May, who is the archivist of this book.
"The valley of Eyre Creek is a verdant one.... and it finally flows, quietly, almost unnoticed, into the Wakefield, one mile north of Auburn."
Extract - Chapter 5 : AUBURN, our Heritage in Stone
"The name 'Auburn' is thought to have been suggested by Mr. Gleeson of Clare... It was described by "Old Colonist" in 1851, as an area of 4½ houses and an hotel... Originally the area was known as 'Tateham's Waterhole'."

The layout and history of Auburn is described in great detail.
"So that wagons could cross the Wakefield in all seasons, the Patent Copper Company built the first permanent crossing (the 'Ford') where the bridge is now."
"Over the years, three footbridges have been built at this crossing, and a picturesque drive of sugar gums (Eucalyptus cladocalyx) adds to the charm of the locality."
"In 1850 a meeting was held to discuss the building of a Bible Christian Chapel, which was opened in 1854, and became, by far, the most virile Methodist group in the town."

"Where stood the old chapel, (where stands the new church --- since chapels to churches have changed in that town)." -- Adam Lindsay Gordon.
The author discusses the District Council of Upper Wakefield and its role, and the development of the Auburn Hall.
"Auburn's second hotel, the Auburn Hotel was built in 1860 by Jo Meller for James Taylor... In this hotel in September 1876, was born Clarence Michael James Dennis, destined to become one of Australia's much revered poets (C.J. Dennis).
"C.J. Dennis died in Melbourne in 1938. A drinking fountain and birdbath combined, were erected in 1953 near his birthplace, by friends and admirers."
The author details the history of Auburn and its notable residents. "Shops! shops! and more shops!!"
St. John's Church of England also gets a detailed history. Stonemason, "Joseph Meller considered the stone cutting for the east window of the church to be his finest piece of work."
"Ern Castine (her father) was not long in Auburn, but while there he certainly kept the town moving... one of the best informed men in the town."
"Refreshed by the sweet water of Eyre Creek, the Wakefield water, no doubt, gave pleasurable flavour to the brews of the two Auburn breweries."

"In 1880 the followers of St. John's Church of England staged a 'Flower Service of Song' in the Auburn Institute. The stage and hall were 'a garland of flowers', and the service and songs were of floral significance. So great was its appeal and so great the number of people unable to be accommodated in the hall that the service had to be repeated on two future occasions."
"A town must have its homes and in that respect Auburn has been fortunate. People have built new houses and renovated older ones and the doctor's house, the first rectory, the early manses, the hospital and 'Brent Knoll' are still comfortable present day private homes."
"Of all the towns in this story, Auburn alone cradles the river to its bosom, and its story has not previously been told."
Extract - Chapter 6 : Rice's Creek
"Rice's Creek has its source in the ...low hills south of Mintaro, and flows west towards Auburn... "
"William Roland Woods started working for W.T. Morlock... and in 1894 came to manage Martindale to the extrememly high place they held throughout the State."
The creek flows through "Rice's Creek Station", later named "East Lynne". From there the Creek skirts a planted reserve where a wooden and iron school was constructed. This later went to the outback for a dwelling for Daisy Bates.
Rice's Creek passes Auburn and crosses the Auburn-Saddleworth road, and "under the railway line, at the southern border of Auburn, Rice's Creek empties its rather brackish water into the River Wakefield."

The Wakefield river continues south through flats to Undalya and the author describes the settlers and their farms on the way. The rich flats are used for dairy farms, and the author describes the history of 'Kercoonda', an aboriginal term thought to mean "camp near water" and farmed by the Lambert family. The bitumen highway was re-ailgned at Undalya and two strong bridges erected. After passing the old Symes holding the river changes course through a cutting of alluvial sediments.
"Pine Creek begins on Kisso's Black Hill - 'black' because it was covered with sheoaks, and flows west to the Wakefield at Undalya... its name records the fact that it wandered its way through many patches of callitris - native pines."
"Although the creek water is brackish, many sweet water springs occur in unexpected places within the locality
...mention is of a Lutheran Church served by Pastor Ey and wife Anne, known to all as "Mutter Ey'".. who never refused a plea for help. She lived on a dirt floor, and cooked in a camp oven, even in summer."

"Captain William Barkla bought 840 acres of land on Pine Creek and named the property 'Koonowla'." There a lively farm was developed by John Tothill. ..."Koonowla is now a property which is attractive and desirable."
"It was to this area -- 'Undalya' -- that the aboriginal tribes -- "ngadjuri" from the north, "Kaurna" from the west and "naiawed" from the east -- came to barter. Many aboriginal camp sites can be found on the rising ground which circles the junction of the two rivers."
Extract - Chapter 7 : Undalya

"The hamlet of Undalya is grouped around the Wakefield and Pine Creek junction. 'Undalya' meaning water holes... was known as "Kercoonda" ... before being gazetted as Undalya."
"As a watering place for travelling stock and for bullock or horse drawn vehicles, this was in the early days an ideal stopping place."
"Perhaps the man who made the biggest impact on Undalya would be William Baker, who came to the district in 1848....The Springs, an area of three fresh water springs in close proximity, greatly impressed Baker, and that area became known as Baker's Springs. It is now Rhynie"... "the aborigines were troublesome and one night they stole 900 sheep, which Baker tracked and recovered."
"William Axford became the owner of this land and the Baker homestead and held it until... bought by John Masterman in 1933." John's artistic wife is the artist for this book."
"The Wakefield swings to the west beyond Undalya. Permanent pools in the running water, and reed growth in places, attract a variety of bird life. Wild ducks, black swans and shags, together with herons, ibis, plovers, coots, moorhens and reed warblers are frequent visitors to this quiet stretch of the river."
LONG GULLY, wide and somewhat shallow, is west of the Wakefield Valley, between the Wakefield and the Skilly.
"The Land and Gold company... took up several sections along the gully. .. the country around is known to be auriferous, shafts have revealed no lode."
"But 'touch not these lovely hills' is the cry of the sweet flowing waters -- a cry, which surely, by those who live in them, or know the pleasure of a quiet journey along their lovely by-ways."
"There were many of Irish descent who settled near Long Gully and its adjacent river and creeks...It is said that a whole shipload of Irish immigrants took up sections... their area of small cottages became known as 'Irish Town'. It failed."
Extract - Chapter 8 : SKILLOGOLEE CREEK
"Skillogolee -- a romantic name -- perhaps synonymous with this most romantic chapter in the story of the River Wakefield... the most beautiful of all the Wakefield tributaries."
"Tree lined, for most of the way, with magnificent River Red Gums, ...the most majestic trees to be found in this are of the mid-north... many over 100 feet high and with butts 20 feet or more in girth, are the artist's delight."
NB Modern spelling is 'Skillogalee'

"The Skilly flows through Kadlunga pastoral country... flowing quietly over pleasant green flats, and vine-covered slopes, it gave water in 1839 to John Ainsworth Horrocks... on the edge of the little creek, his stone house "Warnbunga" was built....
This Horrocks house stood against wind and rain, for 70 years, until a railway line was constructed straight through the area and the old home was demolished."
"To this small settlement of white people Horrocks gave the name "Penwortham" after his home "Penwortham Hall" in Lancashire." The author re-tells the Horrocks story in detail. Also is told the story of the rascally buccaneer "Bully" William Henry Hayes, and of many Penwortham families.
"Fed from the hills around Penwortham, the Skilly deepens as it winds through a gap in the range to the west... In this western valley the Skilly, joined by waters from its upper basin, turns sharply south... and is flanked by the range in which Mt. Oakden is the highest peak." "Mount Oakden was the scene of a tragedy during WW 11. A young trainee pilot, on an early morning flight, found the range enveloped in thick fog. He crashed into the side of the invisible , densely tree-covered mount. A wood cutter, Anton Pawelski who heard the sound, was able to direct the search."
"Skirting Mount Oakden, the Skilly enters the flat, cradled between the ranges, where stands the Hughes Park homestead, which is partly concealed by large trees -- willows, oaks, pines, cypress and magnificent eucalypts." The author tells the story of Walter Watson Hughes and the Duncans. John Duncan-Hughes was an outstanding piper, and delighted in practising in the early morning and "the hills rang with his bagpipe skirl."

"Onword and southward the Skilly flows close by the original "Craig-forda" homestead... built too close to the water, it became in time unfit for habitation."
"Known as the Skilly corner, or by some as the 'five roads corner'... this is where roads from Leasingham,Watervale and Hughes Park (closed road) meet and continue to Auburn or (to) Hoyleton".
The author tells of "Orchard Farm" leading to Heard's Hill, where once the wine
shanty, the "Port Henry Arms" did a roaring trade. Where the Skilly crosses the Gulf Road are a rich alluvial flat where reeds grow, and in 1842 it is recorded that George Hawker, of Bungaree came to the Skilly to get reeds for thatching his cottage.

"Where the Skilly nears its end,... all the way to the gates of the "Godonga" homestead, the creek flows on through reeds and rushes, made musical by the lilting song of the many, almost invisible reed warblers."
Extract - Chapter 9: Rhynie - Woolshed Flat
"Rhynie Creek flows westward, through groves of peppermint gums, and under the northern highway at Rhynwood Park...which joins the southern-most corner of the Rhynie township."
"The Rhynie Council Chamber, built in 1874, earned the remark that "the building is the prettiest in the north, and an ornament to the locality... Rhynie is but a hamlet today, with little vitality. The hotel still operates, but the churches, the council, the school and all but one shop, are gone."
HARVEY CREEK, named for William Harvey) eventually reaches the River Wakefield. "Gaining , in strength and depth, as it crosses low lying pastures, the creek makes a westward turn, passing several farms now incorporated in the "Garryowen" property of V. McInerney... turkeys are raised at Trenough, ... which is surely hazardous, for the birds wander across a very busy cross-corner roadway, seemingly undisturbed by the fleeting motor traffic."
Rhynie and Harvey creeks flow a short way together until their waters are collected by the Woolshed Flat Creek, which joins on the southern side."
WOOLSHED FLAT CREEK is named for the the Woolsheds of the vast holding known as the "Hermitage". "The family most closely associated with 'Woolsheds' is that of the Kemps -- brothers Robert and James...there are many descendants in the locality today... 300 descendants attended a family reunion in Rhynie in 1966."
"The reedy creek is crossed by a ford where floods have caused the road to be altered ...the "Gibraltar" home, close to the creek nestles in an area sheltered by a rocky hill, behind which the Wakefield flows... The rocky outcrop reveals conditions very similar to parts of the Flinders Ranges, and looks out towards Hoyle's Plains."
The author discusses the homesteads and families of the area, including 'Gum Vale' and 'Glynnaird', before the Hermitage Creek joins the main river flow.
Extract - Chapter 10 : HERMITAGE CREEK
The Hermitage Creek starts with streams from the hills west of Rhynie.
SALTER SPRINGS "The high land to the south and east of Salter Springs overlooks the wide expanse of the Alma and Owen plains. The highest point of this range has a private wild flower and wild life sanctuary... The small creek from the springs finds the Hermitage creek and together they flow to join the river Wakefield water."
"Where the river takes a sharp loop northwards at the apex was established an early Roman Catholic church, St. Joseph's of Lower Wakefield... The beautiful historic brass bell of this early ruined church is one of several at the Church of St. Aloysius, Seven Hills."
"Further along the river, on its persistently winding course reaches the western extremity of the vast Hermitage Station -- today known as Erskine Park at one time known as "Wakefield Farm"... Deep pools and rocks made the area ideal for annual wool washing of sheep... by men standing waist deep in the running water. Australian merino wool has become a sought-after commodity throughout the world."
Waterfalls in the Michaelaney farm and bathing pools characterize this area of the Wakefield, as "the river, quite beautiful amid the rocks, finally leaves the hills to emerge into an open basin." The macabre story of Fry's Clump is retold.

"The river, which has been a permanently flowing stream starts that strange summer disappearance into the gravel beds which have been built up in floods...A series of pools develops and then nothing but sand."
"For the early settler, the land was covered with a thicket of bushy cassias, varieties of acacias, sheoaks, native pines and small malleee gums."
"North of the river is "Peringa", the home of the Neville family... The river at Peringa was a permanently flowing stream, until a severe earth disturbance in 1901 brought a complete change in the water flow." Politician Steel Hall gets a mention, and also the property "Richmond Park".
Extract - Chapter 11 : Balaklava

"Once again, the wagons, laden with copper ore and hauled by stout-hearted bullocks and horses, had to cross the River Wakefield... the last river crossing of the Gulf Road... this crossing became known as Dunn's Crossing and in a short time, a bridge was built by the Copper Company."
"The land on both sides of the river... became part of Balaklava's previous golf course."
"The area known as Dalkey, a few miles south from the present town of Balaklava," was settled by Silesians... The aborigines were numerous in the vicinity and over 200 camped in Traeger's scrub. Traeger carted his wheat to Port Wakefield for there was no Town of Balaklava at that time." The author tells the story of the Port Wakefield Tramway.

"A grain merchant of Adelaide, James Fisher, laid out the township are in 1869 and erected large wheat stores... Balaklava owes much of its success to this man, its founder."
The author recounts the long history of Balaklava.
"By 1885 Balaklava had a railway connection with Adelaide."
"Lined with its beautiful gum trees and flowing on the northern side of the town, the continuing river passes the "Underwood" homestead, now part of the "Werocata" property."
Extract - Chapter 12 : Werocata
"Winding, ever winding, the Wakefield River reaches the property named "Werocata" ... and the story of Edmund Bowman and his tragic end."
Edmund Bowman (senior) - Notes from the book "The Bowmans of Martindale.
"The Patent Copper Company held the lease over land between Balaklava and Port Wakefield, which was being grazed by Bowman... but the venture proved disastrous. Lack of fences, the dense scrub land, and wild dogs, caused continual trouble and great stock losses, so the land was handed back to Bowman Bros."
Edmund Bowman built a fine wool shed with eight stands for shearers, establishing a building which is still standing."

"The Werocata homestead, charming and well adapted for a hot climate, was built overlooking the river, and the tall red gums....Then came a devastating flood... The destruction was heart-breaking." The author tells this (untold) story with passion and an eye for detail.
"In 1886 Stephen Ralli bought Werocata homestead and 15,000 acres of land....and brought from Blanchewater Station unbroken horses, which, when broken in were sent to India as army remounts." The author tells us long stories of his achievements.
"Alexander Wilson, of Wertaloona Station bought Werocata in 1936... the love of horses... remains an integral part of Werocata today." The author recounts their bloodlines, and the achievements of the Australian stock horse.

WHITWARTA "Eddying, with a look of distress that it should have been a contributing factor in the cause of the death of so fine and respected a citizen as Edmund Bowman..."
The author describes the Whitwarta cemetery. "Whitwarta is an interesting name for the small settlement. The area to the aborigines was 'witarta' meaning "fresh water."
So the River Wakefield has its "Kadlunga" or "sweet water" near its source and now 'witarta' "fresh water" near its mouth, and many miles of water in between."
The author recounts the history of the Whitwarta Hotel and of the bridge opened in 1874.
She also champions the churches built by William Mallyon, 30 churches in 30 country towns.
BOWMANS "The River, which left the railway line at Balaklava, almost reaches it again at Bowman's, a more important siding on this early rail link between Balaklava and Port Wakefield... commemorating the fact that the Bowman brothers were the first holders of the land which stretched almost the whole length of the Wakefield River."
"'The River Wakefield which fills the billabong at 'Pareora', has there its last association with those lovely trees with which it has been identified for so many winding miles."
The author praises Robert Nicholls who was elected to the Assembly District of Stanley.
"To those in the lower reaches of the river who have the river flowing through their properties... it is considered a liability... The lovely Wakefield is reaching an ignominious end."
Extract - Chapter : 13 PORT WAKEFIELD

"The river is but a shadow of its further self, for it has emptied most of its water, deep into the extensive gravel sediments... A bore at Port Wakefield shows fluviatile deposits to a thickness ot 310 feet."
"The country, north and south, is a level plain, often flooded in the wet seasons by high tides or drainage water... Though on the coast of a gulf, Port Wakefield is virtually an inland sea, for it is some 30 miles from the open sea."
"Though, by mariners, it was considered the worst of shipping harbours -- because large vessels had to be anchored out as far as 9 miles, and be loaded by lighters -- wheat and other cargoes were being sent direct to overseas markets in 1866-1867. Port Wakefield was then the most important wool port between Adelaide and Port Augusta."
"With a government wharf 1,500 feet long and private wharves, stores and warehouses, Port Wakefield became the business centre of a large district. As well. it became a necessary stopping place, in the days of horse and carriage, for the head of the gulf to be rounded, and the Hummocks surmounted, when Wallaroo became the next focal point of activity."
"One of the town's finest citizens,... Captain Joseph Johnson became a storekeeper, baker and butcher, until he was able to buy 17,000 acres of good land for farming."

"Johnson was a strenuous advocate for the diversion of river water, which when in flood, caused much trouble, which was successful, the surplus water being carried by an artificial channel to the sea... with a wide embankment serving as a roadway."
The author sescribes in detail the establishment of a police station and the actions of the constables. Then the history of its churches is described.
"When in 1878. the Port Wakefield to Kadina railway link became operational, it connected with the existing rail line between Port Wakefield and Balaklava."
"The setting up of the Proof Experimental Establishment of the Australian Military Forces south of the town on hard sand has bought a special interest."
"The River Wakefield flows quietly and almost unnoticed, where it has found the tidal inlet to carry its water out to the sea...In pioneer days it brought water and it brought wealth, and it brings them both today."
Complete sell-out of 'Wakefield History'
9/6/1976 RIVERTON -- Jean Moyle, the author of the book 'The Wakefield, Its Water and Its Wealth' has announced a complete sell-out of the book, 1,000 copies produced and printed by the 'Northern Argus'.

Mrs Jean V. Moyle said that as a result of the sale of her book, a cheque for $1,000 was handed over to Mr Geo. Lambert, President of the C.J. Dennis Homes for the Aged, at Auburn on Frday afternoon last, June 4 1976.
Mrs Moyle said that since the launching of the book on October 26, last year, she has received many letters of appreciation. The most fascinating information has come from New Zealand: a book, a best seller by Mona Anderson entitled "A River Rules my Life", concerning the River Wilberforce in the South Island of N.Z. This often wild and flooding river begins on Mt. Oakden.
The same John Jackson Oakden, who managed stations at Undalya, Hill River and in NSW, gave his name to Mt Oakden Station in N.Z. "History is indeed fascinating".
Read more: Clare Museum|Auburn Historian Col. J.W. Castine
Note: this book may be viewed at the S.A. State Library, and the Mt. Horrocks Library
Book One: "History Of Watervale - Portrait of a Village" by Jean V. Moyle.
This 54-page history of Watervale was awarded first prize in the Jubilee Local History Competition of 1951 (probably of £500).
You may view a copy of this book at the State Library of S.A.
Book Two - Quelltaler -- A history of H. Buring & Sobels Ltd.
1,000 copies published 1967 - Copyright - Privately Printed for H. Buring & Sobels Ltd.
Book Three - 'The Wakefield, Its Water and Its Wealth'
Published by Jean V. Moyle, 1975, paperback 192 pages
This book may be viewed at the S.A. State Library, and the Clare History Room.