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People in the History of Clare, S.A.
Summary Page
H H Tilbrook
Northern Argus founder Henry Hammond Tilbrook.

James Hill of Inchiquin
Above: James and Lucy Hill
Below: Charles Fisher, grazier magnate
James Hill managed stations for C.B. Fisher in the 1850’s and the 1860’s including Bundaleer, before taking a station in southern Queensland.
Edward Hill became the manager of Fisher and Hill's Queensland stations when James Hill sold his interest to the Australian Pastoral Company.
Then James Hill became the third owner of Inchiquin, the oldest Clare historic home, which he purchased from John William Gleeson in 1884.
Inchiquin then remained in the Hill family until 1938.
James Hill managed Bundaleer station for C.B. Fisher
By 1864 it was estimated that the property was carrying about 80,000 sheep worth over £40,000.
In 1855 Charles Fisher purchased the leasehold station or run known as Hill River, in the Clare Valley of South Australia for £42,000,
with about 40,000 sheep and 80 acres of freehold, and
during the currency of the lease he purchased the freehold,
comprising 60,900 acres, at a cost of about £90,000,
and fenced in the run (Read about the Stone Wall) and the sub-divisions at a cost of £30,000.
James Hill was appointed manager of the Hill River estate, as well.
Read Much More about James Hill, or about Charles Fisher
Enthusiast Millie Tilbrook
A legend in her lifetime

Champion Golfer
On Monday 7 August 1950 Millie won the Associates' Championship of the North Adelaide Golf Club.
In times past Millie had been Woman's State Country Champion several times and also held championship events at Clare, Blyth and Watervale.
Millie had been Woman's State Country Golf Champion several times and also held championship events at Clare, Blyth and Watervale.
On Saturday 9 June 1951 Miss Millie Tilbrook of Clare, aged 62,
won the Watervale Lady's Championship for the seventh time — a truly remarkable record.
In 1926 Millie hit the first tennis ball to open the Tennis Club for the season.
First Woman President of the Clare Institute
AT the annual meeting of Clare Institute recently, Miss M. F. Tilbrook was appointed President in succession to Mr. R. P. Shepley, retiring President.
"We congratulate her on attaining the status of the first Woman to ever occupy the Presidency from the time of the Library's institution in the early days of Clare".
Miss Tilbrook was a former school mistress of the Clare Institute (and Library), and
had a wide knowledge of the English language and literature generally,
as well as being a noted teacher of Botany, with a wide understanding of the Flora of Australia.

The Hospitable Victorsens
of 'Ingomar', Armagh
Left: "Mr. Julius Victorsen was the Prime Minister of hospitality and entertainment as far as Clare was concerned."
Danny did the work and Julius the entertaining (laughter.)
"Last Friday evening, 28 December 1917, a "Continental " (a muscial Fète) was held at 'Ingomar,' the property of Messrs. Julius & Emanuel Victorsen, near Armagh, and was carried out very successfully.
A large number availed themselves of the opportunity of being present... Dancing was also indulged in and an enjoyable time spent (by all)."
"Mr. Julius Victorsen was the Prime Minister of hospitality and entertainment as far as Clare was concerned;
"The hospitality (of Julius and Emanuel) was proverbial and the stream of visitors to 'Ingomar' was never ending."
Mr. Julius Victorsen (Jr.) acquired "Ingomar" at Armagh, on his own behalf in 1896 from the Estate of a Mrs. Shaw.
Some years later Mr. Danny (Emanuel) Victorsen was taken into partnership by his brother Julius, and the property was developed for raising currants and prunes, plus assorted fruits.
Read Much More about the Hospitable Victorsens of Ingomar, Armagh
Dr. Otto Wien-Smith
From "CLARION'S" Note Book in collaboration with Miss M. F. Tilbrook.
Doctor Otto Wien-Smith, M.D., and his wife Isabel Blanche, were the father and mother of Doctor Geoffrey Wien-Smith, and the Misses Isabel, Winifred, and Jean and of Percy Wien-Smith, and their daughter "Little Sidney".
Doctor Wien-Smith, right from the earlier days of Clare, lived his life in a manner that typified all that was best in life.
Steeped in the traditions of his profession, and the ready willingness of a wife who devoted herself to help in every way possible, there were few homes in the district that did not know him or his brother Dr. Alfred A. Smith.
Many of the generations of to-day first saw the light of day with the medical aid of these two brothers.
In earlier times there were no motor cars, and swift journeys of mercy per horse and trap at all times of the day or night never saw them flinch one degree in the stern duty of ministering to the sick or distressed.
Doctor Otto contributed an outstanding treatise to Medical history on the prevention and treatment of hydatids, which was particularly noted by inclusion in Scientific Medical works.
He also brought the first motor car to Clare, and when it arrived per Thomas' trolley at the foot of the hill below his house and surgery at "Windy Brae", it caused a local sensation.
The Ohlmeyers of Clare
J. W. (Will) Ohlmeyer was twice mayor of Clare prior to two World Wars (in 1914-15 and for the second time in 1937--1939).
Both he and his brother Albert, in Tanunda, were Jewellers, trained in Adelaide, and both were also car enthusiasts.
One son, Jim, was captured by the Japanese in Malaya, and survived.
The other son Jack, died in a pilot training accident in NSW.
His daughter Lucy was a librarian, Guides leader, and later was a shopkeeper, a prominent and responsible Clare citizen, and President of the National Trust of Clare.
The family of Ohlmeyer (of Clare), through its progenitors, dates back to the family of Mr. and Mrs. James Hill, who occupied and entertained at Inchiquin in earlier days of the Town, Mrs. Ohlmeyer being a daughter of the Hills of the House of Inchiquin, Clare.
The Jewellery business of J.W. Ohlmeyer in Clare was founded in 1898.
In the middle of 1904, J.W. Ohlmeyer, Watchmaker and Jeweller in Clare, took a bold step:
he had the building next door to his store fitted out as a bicycle repairing depot.
In addition to using his "thoroughly up to date plant" to make repairs to any make of machine,
he took on an agency for the bicycles and motors of the Lewis Cycle and Motor Works, "types of which he (had) in stock" in October 1904.