Open Sundays/Public Holidays 10.00 am to 3.00 pm
Closed until Sunday 2 February 2025

Martindale Hall Story: 3b
Martindale's Sports
Martindale's pre-war Sports Report
The Martindale Hall Story
In The Beginning - the Bowman Family Arrives in Australia.
1a: Chronology of Martindale Hall -
Edmund Bowman (senior) - Notes from the book "The Bowmans of Martindale Hall"
The Bowmans of Martindale Hall
3a The Martindale Mansion
3b Martindale Sports -
The Mortlocks of Martindale Hall
4a Martindale House
4b MV Yacht Martindale
There is no run that is looked forward to with so much pleasure as the Martindale meet:

Below: Country Hunting around Adelaide (4 mins)


South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA), Saturday 19 February 1881, page 7
The Wanderers in the North.
A team of the Adelaide Wanderers Cricket Club, on the invitation of Mr. Edmund Bowman, visited Martindale, and played four matches last week with the clubs in the neighbourhood.
Mr. Bowman has an excellent cricket ground within a short distance of the house and some very good pitches were prepared.
The Mintaro, Burra, and Clare teams played on the Martindale ground, with the results shown below, and
on Monday Mr. Bowman drove the Wanderers to Auburn on his dray, where they had a good day's cricket and were hospitably entertained by the Auburn Club, under the Presidency of Mr. Bleechmore.
Thursday, February 10. Won on the first innings by the Wanderers.
Played at Martindale on Friday, February 11. and resulted in a victory for Mintaro
Played at Martindale on Saturday, February 11 Wanderers won.
Played at Auburn on Monday, 14th, Wanderers win.
A humorous description of a Harrier is that of "a Beagle on steroids", despite its resemblance to an English Foxhound.

The Martindale Harriers
Adelaide Observer (SA), Saturday 5 August 1882, page 18
The Harrier is a medium-sized dog breed of the hound class, used for hunting hares by trailing them.
As advertised the Martindale harriers met on Saturday, the 29th July (1882), at the village of Mintaro, near which is the estate of Mr. Bowman, to whom the district is indebted for the establishment of a pack of harriers,
which will in the future I trust afford many a day's sport to the lovers of hunting in the neighbourhood
who care to try their luck over the stiff fences erected by Mr. Bowman, in order to enable him to follow his little pack.
Shortly after 9 o'clock the hounds, consisting of four and a half couples, in charge of two whips,arrived on the village green, where many of its inhabitants hod turned out to witness the throw-off.
Shortly afterwards the master (Mr. Bowman) arrived with a large contingent of riders from Martindale,
amongst whom were a goodly number of lady visitors from Adelaide, who, without negotiating the fences, followed the fortunes of the field by road.
Several horsemen from the surrounding district appeared at the meet, and went well throughout the day.
Amongst others we noticed
Mr. E. Bowman on All Fives,
Mr. G. Bowman on Hamlet,
Mr. H. Bowman on Highover,
Mr. James Hay on Kildare,
Mr. J. L. Stirling on Cupid,
Mr. Grant on Bronghton,
Mr. Gleeson on a clever bay,
Mr. Western on a brown mare, and
Mr. C. Filgate on Rupertswood, a candidate for future Hunt Club honours.
The wind was somewhat too keen for a good scenting morning, and this, together with a too-abundant supply of hares, brought into prominence the capabilities of the little pack,
who throughout the day worked both together and individually with a perseverance
which reflected great credit on those who have taken them in hand since the institution of the pack, and
which would, with an increase of numbers, give the Master the satisfaction of placing many a pad on the panels of his harness-room.
Trotting gently up the rise from the village the hounds were uncoupled and put into a belt of wattles in one of the paddocks on the Martindale Estate.
In a very few minutes a whimper from one of the hounds told the field that puss had stolen away,
and at once the music was taken up joyfully by every hound, and away we sailed merrily along a rocky ridge and over a pretty double, making in a westerly direction
until we came to a stiff fence on the hill, which gave some of our field a chance of looking at it a second time.
Shortly after, puss was viewed but a short distance ahead of the hounds, and hopes were raised that we were in for a smart ran.
After facing the open country, however, she thought better of it, and made back to a cover behind Martindale House, where, owing to the presence of a couple more hares, the hounds got at fault, and the master was unsuccessful in picking up the scent of our first game.

[By a Follower.]
South Australian Weekly Chronicle (Adelaide, SA), Saturday 1 September 1883, page 15
The runs enjoyed by the followers of the Martindale pack on Tuesday and Thursday, August 21 and 23, are well worthy of mention.
These being the only hounds in South Australia which regularly follow live game, and the meets being so far from Adelaide, making it very difficult for men from town to be present, it is a matter of great praise to Mr. E. Bowman that he has been able to keep up his hunting with such spirit as he has shewn.
The meet en Tuesday was not largely attended, but those who were there meant going. There were
the master (Mr. E. Bowman) on Rupertswood, (illustrated, left)
Mr. C. Bowman on Hamlet,
Mr, H. Bowman on Highover,
Mr. Jas. Hay on Cupid,
Mr. Arnott, Mr. G. Filgate, and others on horses unknown.
The whip (Ross) was on Casterton, who seems as game as ever.
The hounds were uncoupled in a field close by the village of Mintaro, but not being successful in finding we had to jump a couple of fences and take them on further.
After working round for a bit the eagerness of the hounds was quickly rewarded, arid they were soon off in full cry at a rattling pace, which the heavy state of the ground made particularly trying for the horses.
After negotiating three or four stiff cappings, one of which nearly brought the steady-going Hamlet on his head, we jumped into a lane.
After galloping down this for a short way the hounds taking a sharp turn to the left necessitated our jumping a pretty stiff fence with a short run, which was too much for Rupertswood, who, evidently not seeing the fence till he was right on it, caught the rail with his chest and turned a complete somersault, just by a hair's breadth letting his rider off a serious smashing.
The hounds having lost this hare we had to try further on and were soon successful, and went away over a dozen fences at a stiff pace, with the hare well in sight ;
but hares in this part of the country are evidently very strong, for after running keen for between six and seven miles she crested into plough, where, on account of the wire we could not follow, and some more hares getting up put the hounds at fault.
Having had two hours of very stiff going we thought it advisable to make for home, and arrived there fully satisfied with our day's sport, though we had not killed.
On Thursday the field was much larger. In addition to those out on the Tuesday there were Mr. R. M, Turner and Mr. N. W. Stirling, also some ladies mounted, and a number of visitors watched the sports in vehicles from a distance.
The going was much better than on the previous day, and after a few short and unsuccessful attempts we found what proved a most game hare.
We ran her for about six miles with only one check, and finished by a kill in the open. As a change from the (aniseed scented) drag hunt in Adelaide this kind of sport is most refreshing, and we most certainly wish a very successful and long life to Mr. Bowman's pack.

English Cricket Tours
Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA) Sat 30 Oct 1886 Page 6
"It now seems an established rule that a team of English cricketers shall make a tour of the Australian Colonies every other season."
The third English team was in the colonies in 1873-4, and was the first team of Englishmen to visit South Australia.
The English played at Gawler and Kapunda in Nov 1880; nine
representatives of Kapunda, five of Clare, three of Gawler ; two of Alma Plains, and one each of Kooringa, Angaston, and Hamilton. -
The English eleven played 28 Dec 1887 at Clare, and also at Gawler
Legend says that an English Eleven played cricket on the Martindale oval
It is no legend that Don Bradman made a century there in 1936.

Kapunda Herald (SA : 1878 - 1951), Friday 2 April 1897, page 3
The third race meeting in connection with this club was held on Wednesday on the usual course, situated, about four miles west of Manoora. The weather was splendid and the attendance was good.
This being only the third: year of the club's existence the results have proved very satisfactory, and it is gratifying to know that the interest, both locally and outside, is becoming more evident every meeting.
Driving through the beautiful farming and grazing district around and arriving at the course just in time to see four horses at the post awaiting the- signal " Go," one naturally looked at his card to find that the four horses in question— Yarra, Belter, Olory, and Myamee—were to open the programme by contesting the Hurdle race, over a distance of two miles.
At the-signal "Go" Better got away with Glory, Tatra, and Myamee in line behind Belter took the first hurdle in good style, Glory and Yarra taking the same view of affairs, but Myamee struck and fell.
At the second hurdle Glory came to grief, and the race was left to Belter and Yarra, Belter winning as he liked.
A little oversight, probably on the part of the club is that the hnrdlies have been placed at the side of a boundary post, and if a horse happened to jump close to that end of the hurdle it is more than likely that horse or rider would strike the post, which is about twice the height of the hurdle. This defect should be attended to to prevent an accident.
...The success of the club so far is due to a considerable extent to the energy of the secretary, Mr. Chas. W. Gray, who from the start has taken a great interest in the club.
Mr. W. T. Mortlock, M.P., acted as judge, and his decisions gave every satisfaction, excepting in the Pony Race.
In the evening a concert was held in the Manoora Institute, followed by a ball, both of which were well attended.

Kapunda Herald (SA), Friday 28 January 1898, page 3
On Wednesday last the annual meeting of the Martindale Jockey Club was held
under favorable circumstances.
The weather was not too hot, and there was plenty on the programme to draw the attention of sporting men to back their fancy in each event.
The situation of the new race course is very convenient to visitors, being located close to Manoora, and there is also plenty of shade, and many parties availed themselves of the opportunity, and made quite a picnic of the outing.
The attendance was good, and when the Broken Hill express arrived, from
the city, crammed with visitors to the races, the Manoora platform, looked about as lively as it could be.
From about 11 o'clock till the starting of the races one continual stream of traps and horses poured on to the course, and by the time all were settled the new paddock was duly christened a race course. There was plenty of dust, but that could not be avoided.
The racing was tip-top, and each event could be seen from start to finish, and the excitement of the crowd in some of the races was very strong.
The Hurdle Race opened the programme with five horses at the post Midnight, Father Confessor, Yarra, Sir Jo, and Bomba. Yarra went out as first favorite, notice being also taken of Sir Jo.
Yarra got first away by some lengths from the field and led over the first fence from Father Confessor, but was making the pace too hot to last, and after the first round, fell back in favor of Father Confessor and Midnight.
At three-quarter distance Bomba, who was well back, closed up and took third position. At the last hurdle Bomba made a fine jump and got the lead, winning a fine race from Midnight.
The jumping was excellent through out the race, no mistakes being made by any of the horses.
Midnight, who has only been in the stable a few weeks, ran a good second, and will, no doubt, be heard of later on. Scutum went out as first favorite for the Trial, and with Quinn up did not deceive his supporters.
The big race, the Martindale Handicap, fell to Nabob from a field of seven - Ulva, Burnside, Recoup, Nabob, Dollar. Belter, and Dalhousie.
Adelaide Observer (SA), Saturday 7 October 1899, page 24
(By O. B.]
Pleasures that most enchant us
Seem the soonest done;
What is life, with all it grants us.
But a hunting run?
Probably all keen followers of the hounds agree that one country run is worth several spins in the vicinity of the city, enjoyable though these are.
In the country mile after mile of fine open grass land can be galloped over without crossing a metal road or knocking the horses up through a long, weary plug in plough.
'There is no run that is looked forward to with so much pleasure
as the Martindale meet.'
All remembered well the kindness that was extended to them last year by Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mortlock, when the club visited them at Martindale Hall, their beautiful home.
At an early hour on Saturday morning warmly-clad hunters were to be seen wending their way to the Adelaide Railway Station, and a little later a busy crowd of boys were pushing and coaxing their equine charges into the trucks which were to convey them to Mintaro.
The animals took the proceedings with the docility for which hunters are renowned.
Collins and his canine friends had a special compartment set aside for them, and very philosophically did the latter accept the situation.
Besides the hunting men the visitors from Adelaide included the Hon. Andrew Tennant M.L.C., Messrs. A. W. Ware, the Mayor of Adelaide; Harry Bickford, F. Dyke Marshall, W. II. Cave, F. A. Tennant, and J. N. Hines.
At Mintaro the party were met and welcomed by Mr. W. T. Mortlock.
After the anxious owners had watched the untrucking of their hunters, the visitors packed themselves in the numerous vehicles that were waiting to convey them to their destination.
At the hall a house party was found eagerly awaiting the arrival of the redcoats and impatient to witness the sport.

Amongst the house party were Mrs. Hammond, Misses Low Smith, Gwynne, F. Love, Cave, and Tennant, and from the surrounding districts Mr. and Mrs. Tothill, Messrs. Richardson. J. A. Lyall, C. B. Maslin. James Hill, and John Lewis.
The sound of the gong to luncheon reminded all that the air was keen and the journey had been a long one.
The host submitted the toast of "The Queen," which was loyally honoured.
The Master, in proposing "Our Host," said there was something particularly fascinating in a gathering of redcoats under so genial a host and in such a lovely residence.
Mr. Mortlock was an old sportsman, and had in his younger days been one of the straightest of straight riders to hounds. (Cheers.)
He had, however, left his hunting days behind, and now took pleasure in seeing the younger generation enjoying the pleasures of the chase. Those who were present last year remembered the enjoyable time given them by Mr. and Mrs. Mortlock, and felt deeply grateful to them for their kindness.
The toast was accorded musical honours. In reply, Mr. W. T. Mortlock said that if the visitors Inst year had enjoyed themselves as much as he had enjoyed their company and the sport they had provided, he was amply repaid.
If there was a hunt within measurable distance he was always drawn thither by some strong magnetism which he could not resist. He was pleased to see so many present, and hoped that he would have many more opportunities of entertaining the club at Martindale Hall. (Cheers.)

Advertiser (Adelaide, SA), Wednesday 10 January 1900, page 7
Manoora, January 9.
The following nominations for the Martindale races, to be held on January 21, were received at Manoora, and at Gordon's Racecourse Agency, Adelaide, on Tuesday:—
Pony Handicap.—Mr. Horgan's Freedom, Mr. Scott's Tichbourne, Mr. Scott's Vanity, Mr. Scott's Prince, Mr. Bosisto's Mermaid, Mr. Bcrriman's Fumed, Mr. O'Dea'e Hauling Boy.
Adelaide entry—Jack.
Handicap Trot—Mr. Hould's Nuggett, Mr. Smith's Maude, Mr. Ashbys Lady Julia, Mr. Megerhoffs Comet, Mr. Horrocks's, Waitress (late Kelly). Mr. Anderson's Ponto, Mr. Loltus's Edi, Mr. Phillis's Burunga. Mr. Phillis's Fly, Mr. Watts's Doctor, Mr. Bosisto's Beauty, Mr. Addison's Faithful Boy, Mr. Slattery's Daddy Colnan, Mr. Frost's Titan.
Adelaide entries—Borderer, Don, Darkie.
Hurdle Race. —Mr. Lane's Hotspur. Mr. Lane's The Slag-, Mr. White's Petrel, Mr. Kain's Simple
Adelaide entries—Regent, Phantom, Jack, Alice Lemar, Filbert, Sympathy, Mermaid.
Jumpers' Flat Race. —Mr. Lane's Hotspur, Mr. Rielly's Joe, Mr. White's Petrel, Mr. Kain's Simple Joe, Mr. Berriman's Midnight.
Adelaide entries—Recent, Phantom, Jack, U.Z., Alice Lemar, Filbert, Sympathy, Antarctic, Mermaid.
Martindale Handicap.—Mr. Wright's Coalbrook, Mr. Kain's Scutum, Mr. Conavan's Pedinga, Mr. Berrirgan's Countess, Messrs. Ware Bros.' Trado, Mr. Lane's Hotspur.
Adelaide entries—Recent. Lady Melbourne. Denmark, Curt Mantel, The Sailor, Lord Kitchener, lEhmael, Hard, U.Z., Pythian, Bunyan, Fadladeen. Flying Handicap.—Mr. Jones's Lady Severn, Mr. Wright's Coalbrook, Mr. Canavan's Pedinga, Messrs. Ware Bros.' Ttado, Mr. Lane's The Stag. Adelaide entries—Una, Lady Melbourne, Curt Mantel. Denmark, Jack, Lord Kitchener, Hazel, Pythian, Bunyan, Innocence, The Empress, Tranquility, Antarctic
Adelaide Observer (SA), Saturday 30 August 1902, page 17
At Martindale Hall
Cold and chilly was the wind that swept the scudding clouds across the sky as the hunters were trucked at the yards on Saturday morning.
Yet there was a feeling of joy, for all this trouble and early rising was taken to attend the hunt at Martindale Hall, whither we had been invited by Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mortlock.
No inconvenience was too great for the joys that were to come. Past experience had taught us that we had a right royal time in store.
As the train sped north-wards we looked with cheerful eyes on the rather sad crops. Even that all important matter, the high price of fodder, did not tend to dampen our cheerfulness.
At Riverton we refreshed ourselves and then took a look at the horses, when it was found that Schemer and Brownlock had a disagreement, to the detriment of the Master's horse.
We were met at Mintaro by Mr. Mortlock and a convoy of vehicles. The four miles drive to the hall was done in record time. Mrs. Mortlock and a bevy of ladies gave us a hearty reception. All responded with alacrity, to the call of the luncheon gong.
The host was supported on his right by the Master (Mr. H.C. Cave) and on his left by Sir Jenkin Coles, M.P.
A large number of local gentlemen were present, among them Dr. Geyer, Rev. W. E. Perrin, the Hons. John Lewis, M.L.C. and O'Loughlin. Messrs. Lyall, Christison, Power, R. E. H. Hope, J. Hill, Legoe, C.Coles, Hawker, W. Barker, and S.
Scott; and from the city were Messrs. P. Auld, W. Stirling, J. R. Anderson, E. C. Chambers, A. G. Downer, G. C. Wood, Harry Bickford, F. S. Toms, J. Moor-house, and the hunting men.



Register (Adelaide, SA), Friday 3 January 1908, page 7
The annual meeting of the Martindale Racing Club was held on Monday, January 1 1908, at the Burton Hotel, Manoora. Mr. W, T. Frost presided.
There was a good attendance of members, and the meeting was enthusiastic.
The secretary (Mr. C. W. Gray) presented his annual report and balance sheet, which revealed a most satistactory state of affairs, the best the club had ever experienced.
The report showed further improvements carried out and in progress, and to be fixed up before February 13, the date of the next meeting.
The public receive every consideration in the new arrangements, and the trainers and jockeys are not forgotten. The. totalizator has been extended, and more room given for inside working.
Suitable boxes have been prepared for trainers' and. jockeys' outfits.
The course has received a thorough mulching of stable manure, and will be watered from time to time to give it a springy texture.
The enclosure has been enlarged, and pickets have been placed along the straight in front of the Derby ground.
The club has not yet had the lease transferred, but this trouble, which has been an obstacle to the committee, promises to be overcome at an early date.
A new steward stand will be erected, a stand for committee, one for members, and temporary stand for public,
and water laid on to the course from the Government railway reservoir.
A second race meeting has been mooted for October 14 for utility horses, more of which will be heard later on.
The programme for the ensuing meeting was arranged, and prizes were allotted amounting to £400— an advance of £50 on last year.
The financial statement was as follows:—
Credit balance, £154; subscriptions, £100; entries, £180; booths, £144; gates, £290; cards, £34; totalizator £382 ; Government duty. £127; fractions, £14; sundries, £6; profit on meeting; £123.
Stakes paid, £350; totalizator expenses, £110; wages, £135; printing and advertising, £94; honorarium to secretary, £50; other expenses, £298.
In connection with the race meeting the railway arrangements will be practically the same as last year. The special trains will stop at the course platform.
A tram is arranged from Glenelg for horses and passengers, and the Moonta train will run a quarter of in hour earlier.
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA), Saturday 20 February 1909, page 55
A great number of people journeyed from Adelaide and all parts of the country to attend the Martindale races on Wednesday, February 10.
With beautiful weather, a record attendance, and good racing, the day resulted in being a most enjoyable one for those present.
Amongst the spectators were Mr. and Mrs. W, Mortloek, Miss M. Doswell, Mr. and Mrs. Christinson, the Hon. L. O'Loughlin, Mr and Mrs. J. Tennant, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hope, Miss G. Prockter, Miss D. Frazer, Dr, Glynn, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gebhardt, Mr, and Mrs. Tothill, Mr. and Miss Power, Miss Ward, Dr. Stevens (Millicent), Messrs. L. Gebhardt. E. Bowman, J. Kerr, F. Tennant, R. Gwynne, A. Fenner, E. Britten Jones, D. Bowman, W. A. West, A. Carter.
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA) Saturday 18 February 1911, page 53
A large gathering of people attended the Martindale races on Wednesday, February 8, including a number of racing enthusiasts who journeyed up from town.
Usually the meeting falls on one of the hottest days of the summer months, but this year it rained for the most part of the day; but, notwithstanding the wet weather, the people from all surrounding districts put in an appearance.
Mrs. W. T. Mortlock and Mrs. David Power entertained a number of. their friends at an enjoyable luncheon party, and later at afternoon tea.
Amongst the guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Tennant, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hawker, Mrs. E. Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Maitland. Mrs. Christenson, Mr. and Mrs J. Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner, Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Mr. and Mrs. Weston, Mr. and Mrs. L. Aldridge, Mrs. West., Mrs. Harcus, the Misses May Love, Tomkinson, H. Hammond, D. Weston, R. Gwynne, P. Bowman, Norman, Parsons, Robin Norman, O. Harrold, Hawkes, and Messrs. W. T. Mortlock, D. Power, H. A. Parsons, Duffield, Tanner, C. Beaven, R. and C. Gwynne, W. Wood, W. A. West, S. Ayers, D. Bowman, F. Tennant, R. Hope, Hawkes, van Senden, H. Coles.
Others present on the course were Mr. and Mrs. Phil Newland, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay, the Misses Lindsay, Mr. Lance Lewis, Mr. N. Colley.
Daily Herald (Adelaide, SA), Thursday 13 February 1913, page 7
The meeting of the Martindale Jockey Club was held on the Manoora Racecourse yesterday. There was an excellent attendance.
Country folk for many miles around gathered to enjoy the sport; and a strong contingent went up from the city in two special trains, which were comfortably filled, and ran well to scheduled time.
Early visitors to the course were side to inspect the improvements made by the club during the year.
One of the best features noticed was the complete railing in of the racing track, which is unusual at country race meetings. The result was that the racing was of a high order, and compared favorably with city racing.
Next page: Mortlocks of Martindale Hall