Open Sundays/Public Holidays 10.00 am to 3.00 pm
Closed until Sunday 2 February 2025
The Hospitable Victorsens
of 'Ingomar', Armagh

Left: "Mr. Julius Victorsen was the Prime Minister of hospitality and entertainment as far as Clare was concerned."
"Last Friday evening, 28 December 1917, a "Continental " (a muscial Fète) was held at 'Ingomar,' the property of Messrs. Julius & Emanuel Victorsen, near Armagh, and was carried out very successfully.
A large number availed themselves of the opportunity of being present... Dancing was also indulged in and an enjoyable time spent (by all)."
"Mr. Julius Victorsen was the Prime Minister of hospitality and entertainment as far as Clare was concerned;
Danny did the work and Julius the entertaining (laughter.)"
"The hospitality (of Julius and Emanuel) was proverbial and the stream of visitors to 'Ingomar' was never ending."
Old and New Victorsen Homes
Below: Rosetta Cottage, the residence of Clare pioneer Mr. Julius Victorsen was situated at Inchiquin Hill, Clare. Rosetta Cottage was at the top of the block, with a long garden down the main road. That area is currently occupied (2020) by a large Motel.
This house was a beautiful country home, with spacious grounds and a fine garden.
From the front verandah one commanded a glorious view of a vista of poplar trees and the whole length of the main street of Clare, which lies below.
Below: Two views of Rosetta Cottage on the Clare Main Road on Inchiquin Hill
Left: Rosetta Cottage on Inchiquin Hill Right: 1901 view of Rosetta cottage in snow.

Below: Main North Road Clare, looking South - 1880
Victorsen's Inchiquin Hill garden is on the left in the foreground, poplars on the right
Right: Views from Inchiquin Hill, Clare, SA
1910 -- note how much the trees have grown --
Mr. Julius Victorsen (Jr.) acquired "Ingomar" at Armagh, on his own behalf in 1896 from the Estate of a Mrs. Shaw.
Some years later Mr. Danny (Emanuel) Victorsen was taken into partnership by his brother Julius, and the property was developed for raising currants and prunes, plus assorted fruits.
Below: At Ingomar: What a glorious garden now is there.
There are not only the beautiful garden and vine yard, but bewitching growths of the most alluring flowers entrance the eye, besides a splendid homestead which has been built, and bowling greens withal!
At Ingomar the famed Victorsen hospitality suffered no eclipse. It flourishes like the green bay tree.
'Ingomar' has been one of the show places of the Clare district for many years, thousands of people having visited and been entertained there. A record book shows thousands of names.
"A unique event in the shape of a dance on the bowling green will be given at 'Ingomar,' the residence of Messrs. J. &. E. Victorsen, near Armagh, on Thursday evening, Oct. 18 1928, at 8 p.m., in aid of the Queen of Commerce (Miss Vera Gillen)."
"What could be more enjoyable than a dance on the bowling green, amidst picturesquely beautiful surroundings, such as exist at 'Ingomar'.
The enjoyment will be increased by the good music and an excellent supper.
Dancers are requested to wear flat-heeled shoes or rubber soles.
A man will be posted at the gate to park the cars along the roadway.
Charabancs (open carriages) will leave the post-office at 7.30 p.m.,
fares 2/- return."

Read more: Australia Day Procession in Clare

"The Victorsen family have always been the vanguard of the social life of Clare and district, and while the brothers Julius and Emanuel pursue their knightly mission with hereditary ardour. Ingomar will be a home from home with portals open wide to favoured guests, who will be genuinely welcomed.
"The other day ( Jan 1924) (S.A. Premier) Sir Henry Barwell was playing bowls at Ingomar (which is the pretty name of this enchanting spot) —not for the first time by a long way."
"The S.A. Premier is an old. intimate friend of Julius (Jr), and so is (Labor Attorney-General) Mr. W. J. Denny, M.P.."
"Ingomar" Sold to Broken Hill Lady Fri 11 Feb 1944
"In recent weeks a sale of 'Ingomar' has been made to Mrs. Keith Brougham, of Yalcowinna Station, near Broken Hill, who with her daughter Barbara will take over the property about the middle of March, while Mr. Keith Brougham will make periodical visits."
'Ingomar' the Popular Play & Movie in Five Acts
The "Ingomar" drama is a love poem marking with unstudied ease, the growth of love in a maiden's heart.
First Broadway production was November 1851, played in Sydney 1853,
Revived 1902-1904.
"Parthenia's strength and beauty of disposition show themselves first in her love for her parents, in her rejection of unworthy suitors, in her sacrifice of liberty to save her father from slavery.
But she herself does not know what that other love is—the love which forces man or maid to make "a- world-without-end bargain."
Review: Theatre Royal Adelaide
Mr. Julius Victorsen (Senior)
Julius (Yeruchsas) Victorsen was the Son of Leon Victorsen and Sarah Victorsen (Fiewan).
Julius Victorsen and Rosetta Mindel were married in the Hamburg Synagogue.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Victorsen arrived in Adelaide on Friday, September 14th, 1849, on the ship 'Ocean', with Captain Fokkes, master, which departed from Hamburg on 26th April 1849. Their eldest son Louis was born on the ship. Of German origin, Julius was so fluent in German that he sang popular songs in German.
Mr. Julius Victorsen, (Sen.) founded his business in Clare in late 1849, and the spot then was on the corner of Strickland and Burton Streets, past the famed stepping stones, on the corner where the old Clare Lutheran Church stood, now the car-wash site.
By 1855 there were four shops in Clare, the shops conducted by Messrs. A. Young, J. Victorsen, W. Lennon, and Kerr.
Later Julius moved the enterprise into Main Street of Clare:
March 7 1870: "Various improvements are taking place in the rising northern township of Clare, and among them I may mention a large new store of a substantial character in course of erection by Mr. Julius Victorsen".
Mr. D. O'Leary has taken the store lately occupied by Mr. Victorsen, and has converted it into an inn of commodious style and roomy dimensions.
Left: By advertisement in February 1870 the Victorsen store was removed to the new premises opposite those lately occupied by Mr. J. Holden, watchmaker.
"He will dispose of the undermentioned articles at the following reduced prices, FOR CASH ONLY (see Left)....
All articles in the Grocery line at proportionately reduced rates.
DRAPERY, IRONMONGERY, AND CROCKERY Reduced 33 per cent, on Selling Price."
"BOOTS AND SHOES 20 per cent, under Invoice Price. In the MILLINERY & FANCY DEPARTMENT, No reasonable offer refused."
"The present Stock must be sold by the 20th of March ; and as I intend to give up my storekeeper's licence, I am obliged to dispose of the remainder of my WINE, SPIRITS, and ALE at the undermentioned astonishingly low prices:
U.V.C. Brandy, in case, 25s per gallon
Booth's Gin, 18s per gallon
Best Jamaica Rum, 18s per gallon
English Porter and Ale, 9s per dozen."
His son Mr. Louis Victorsen (father of Julius, Jr.) took over the business, as partner to Julius from 1 March 1871.
Julius Victorsen's Family includes:
Wife Rosetta, a partner in his Storekeeping business ; Rosetta, widow of the late Julius Victorsen, of Clare, was deceased the 25th January 1891 at her residence, Robe Terrace, Medindie, aged 74.
Possible Sisters of Julius - Henriette who married in Watervale; Therese Victorsen, who was probably JuIius Victorsen's younger sister.
Son John, partner in the General Store at Laura, S.A.
Eldest son Louis, was born on the ship 'Ocean', 1849 - See below...
Leon L., Son of Julius, married Esther 1900, niece of Mr M. and the late Mrs Pollock, Carisbrooke Flats, 18 Botany Street, Waverley NSW.
Phillip Victorsen, a Jeweller in Clare
Theodora, second daughter, married on the 12th October 1875, at the Adelaide Synagogue, by the Rev. A. T. Boas, to Moritz Judell, of Jamestown, fourth son of Wolf Judell, Esq., of Altona, Hamburg
Henrietta, youngest daughter of the late Julius Victorsen, Esq., Glenelg.
On the 6th April 1881, at the residence of M W Judell, Esq., Glenelg, by the Rev. A T Boas, Henrietta was married to Judah Moss, youngest son of the late Hon. E Solomon.
When Julius was leaving to retire to Adelaide in 1872 Mr. Paddy Gleeson, the
oldest resident in Clare, at a farewell dinner, proposed the health of Mr. Julius Victorsen, the next oldest resident, in very flattering terms, which was drank in bumpers with musical honors.
Julius hoped that, although he was going away they might often have the pleasure of meeting again. (Loud applause.) After this came the usual round of songs and toasts, and every one seemed in first-class spirits.
He left Clare in 1872, and took a seaside residence so that he might spend his
declining years in comparative quiet. Mr Victorsen was of a cheerful disposition and those who knew him courted his society.
He had long been a sufferer, and his illness lately had been so painful that the end seemed as though it could not be long delayed.
On the 25th of January 1875, at Glenelg, after a lingering illness, Mr. Julius Victorsen, formerly of Clare, died aged 59 years.
Louis Victorsen, Clare Pioneer
Louis was the eldest son of Mr. Julius Victorsen, born on the ship 'Ocean' in 1847, and was the father of the Clare Victorsen family.
Louis Victorsen was one of the earliest settlers in Clare, where he was a leading business man, running four shops in Clare.
He continued his father's habit of splendid entertainment and hospitality which has extended to the third generation.
He was very popular in years gone by, having always a quip or joke ready for everyone, and a wonderful dancer.
Louis married Catherine, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Emanuel Solomon on 27 May 1874.
Mr. Louis Victorsen, with his son, Mr. Julius Victorsen, of Clare, South Australia, are on a visit to Sydney, where lived his brother John Victorsen.
Mr. Victorsen, sen., has greatly improved in health by the trip.
Above: Louis Victorsen (at left), the well known Clare identity, with his large family of seven boys and three girls, sitting on the entrance steps to their house Rosetta Cottage, on Inchiquin Hill (1905).
Back Row: Louis the father 1849-1913,
Emanuel (Danny) 1878-1967,
Theodora (Dora) 1888-1947, married Joseph Newbold
Edwin Phillip 1884-1910, 'a sufferer' of a long illness; married Edith Finnetta Manley (Mar. 5, 1902) in Brisbane;
Louis Charles (Charles) 1880-1955,
Julius 1875-1957,
Gladys 1892-1912.
Front Row: Frederick 1891-1985,
Talbot George (George) 1886-1966,
Celia Kate (Cissie) 1877-1955, married Norman (Scotty) Westland of Victor Harbour, at Ingomar;
Albert (Bert)1882-1961.
Mrs Catherine Victorsen not present. deceased in 1897.
After the late Mr. Louis Victorsen died and Misses Celia and Dora Victorsen had
married, the old home at Clare was broken up.
Charlie. Bert, and George had gone on active service abroad.
Poor Ted had died of a tubercular complaint, and
Fred (the baby) had married and started in business in Clare, in which he is splendidly successful.
The youngest girl, Gladys, a really beautiful creature of a kindly. delectable disposition, passed away all too early through heart failure.
There was thus a wide dispersal of this worthy family, all brimful of energy and the rest of life.
The sisters are resident in other States.
Charlie. Bert. George, and Fred are married,
so that Julius and Emanuel, the eldest boys, still remain together.
C. Victorsen, now of Blyth;
B. Victorsen, of Broken Hill;
Miss C. Victorsen of Clare;
Mrs. Newbold, of Mount Gambier;
Above: Right Hon. S.A. Premier C. C. Kingston, P.C.. K.C.
Mr. Louis Victorsen was one of the oldest residents of Clare, and was known to almost every one in the Lower-North.
Louis was born on the ship 'Ocean' on the voyage to Australia in 1848.
He was a Freemason, and a member of the Oddfellows' Lodge.
Left: The late Mr, Louis Victorsen was an extensive reader and a great student of politics, being a most resolute democrat.
He was a great admirer and personal friend of the late (radical liberal) Right Hon. S.A. Premier C. C. Kingston, P.C.. K.C.. with whom he frequently communed on political affairs.
He had a rare sense of humour, and greatly appreciated lively, witty, and jocular talk.
He was denied the pleasure and satisfaction of living to see the subdivision of the great Hill River and Bungaree estates, which have meant so much to the improvement of the traders of Clare.
By voice and pen he laboured eloquently to achieve that result legislatively, by compulsion, if need be.
He was an intense advocate of the extensive planting of vines, work which has since proceeded so expansively in the district, though many vineyards were begun in his day.
Read more: OBITUARY
Catherine Leah Solomon (c. 1848 – 4 July 1897) married Louis Victorsen of Clare on 27 May 1874 at the residence of Mr. J. S Solomon, Buxton St, North Adelaide.
"The late Catherine (Mrs. Louis) Victorsen was an ideal hostess.
She was one of the sweetest and gentlest women I have ever known.
She decorated and cheered every coterie she entered, and was a bright, merry little soul.
Her death (in 1897) darkened the atmosphere of the previously radiant home circle for many a day.
The deceased lady was one of sixteen children, the youngest daughter of the late Hon. Emanuel Solomon, one of Adelaide's biggest business men and a Parliamentarian of note."
Remembered for providing refuge to the sisters of St Joseph and the nun who became Australia’s first saint. Mary MacKillop.
​Illustrated at left: Hon. Emanuel Solomon
Read more:
Biography of Solomon, Emanuel (1800–1873)
Victorsens on the Main Street of Clare, 1870
Below right:
Victorsen's second store, constructed of pine.
Victorsen's third store, which became the Globe Hotel, and was afterwards delicensed.
Victorsen's present store, established by Julius Victorsen in 1849
Julius Victorsen (Jr.)

Sat 19 Mar 1932 Page 2 GOSSIP:
Messrs. Julius Victorsen, George Harrow. C. Ballinger, and A Longbottom. all of Clare are in Sydney for the opening of the Harbour bridge.
Clare Resident for 69 Years Fri 11 Feb 1944
WITHIN five years of the centenary of the arrival of his grandfather at Clare, Mr. Julius Victorsen, of Ingomar, Clare, who is the biggest prunegrower in the
dlistrict and the second biggest in the State, is disposing of his fruit and vine property to live in Adelaide.
Mr. Julius Victorsen will leave Clare in a few weeks time, while Mr. Danny Victorsen will stay on.
Mr. Julius Victorsen was born at Clare on April 18, 1875, and is thus 69 years of age.
He was educated firstly by the late Miss Rosa Hawker, then at Canon R. B. Webb's school,
the Clare Public School and Prince Alfred College.
Actively interested in Clare's progress he has helped to foster all worth while movements and some of the activities with which he has been identified are:
Chairman (about 20 years) of the Clare, later Stanley Dried Fruits Association. It will be necessary to shortly elect a new chairman as he is said to be severing his duties in this connection.
Foundation member, first president and for seven years president of the Clare Bowling Club;
Worshipful Master Clare Masonic Lodge 1914;
member Royal Arch (Masonic) Chapter of Prince Alfred and St. Peter's College Lodge;
member Clare I.O.O.F., M.U.;
member Clare A. & H. Society, Clare Racing Club, Clare Institute,
Secretary Old Stanley Dances
and was interested in entertaining world tours of boys of the Young Australia League and the American boys.
In connection with the fruit industry he made a trip some years ago to California U.S.A., to see progressive methods of fruit production.
One of the principal things Mr. Victorsen was interested in was the first negotiations to secure the old mill site to build the present Clare Town Hall.
With the late Mr. George Harmer and Mr. Duncan Menzies (then Mayor) an option was secured and close upon £2,000 raised by public subscription to enable the Town of Clare to buy the site.
The middle section of Victorsen's Buildings was once known as the Globe Hotel, of which the proprietor was the late Mr. Florence McCarthy. Today the buildings are occupied by Brebner's: Page's Furniture Emporium; R.J.T. Hunter.s electrical services and refrigeration; and the Stanley Dried Fruits Association interests; and Mr. M. T. O'Halloran, Land, stock and sales agent ; Messrs. Dalgety & Co., Ltd.

Above: The main street at Clare in South Australia (1909) showing shops and the premises of the Globe Hotel.
"Mr J Victorsen is one of the greatest optimists Clare possesses. There is no doubt, too, that he is justified in his faith in the town and district.
Clare is the centre of a most prolific district, and is bound to progress as the surrounding country comes into still closer cultivation.
Mr. Victorsen is the proprietor of the oldest business in the town, the store keeping business established in 1849 by his grandfather (the late Mr Julius Victorsen) which in turn was carried out by his father (the late Mr Louis Victorsen), and now by himself.
The progress made during the past few years has been such that Mr Victorsen felt that in order to keep pace with the trade and do his best for his patrons he must extend his premises."
"Owning the old Globe hotel and Elliott Bros' late garage and the rest of the frontage between his store and the Commercial Hotel, he was fortunately in a position to do this, and he decided to cover the whole of the site with a block of buildings.
This work has been in progress for some months, and has progressed so far as to enable Mr Victorsen now to enter into possession of the extended premises, and he and his army of assistants are now engaged in arranging and stocking up the new departments."
The additions are of such a nature that Mr Victorsen now possesses one of the largest country stores in the country districts of South Australia.
The new stores cover a frontage of about 60 yards to Main street, practically the whole of the space available between the old store and the Commercial Hotel.
The store is divided up into departments. In the old store, which is commodious and of great depth, will be situated the grocery, crockery, glassware, and ironmongery departments.
The old boot store and repairing room alongside this is now transformed into a men's clothing department and men's boot department. This is of large size, and suitable in all respects for its purpose.
Behind this is situated the office, with plenty of room to move around.
Next comes the largest and most important department of all, being 60 feet long by 57 feet in depth.
This will comprise the ladies dress and general drapery, hosiery, haberdashery, &c, and one part will be taken up with the Manchester and furnishing departments.
This is a magnificent room, giving ample opportunity for proper display of the goods on sale.
The inside front of the buildings consists of an arcade, from which admittance can be gained to the various departments.
The outside front of the buildings is of plate glass, with metal fittings, finished off with black files, and when finished will be very imposing.
We congratulate Mr Victorsen upon his enterprise, and have no doubt that it will meet with due reward.

Above: Victorsen's General Store interior c. 1910
In the march of time, Mr. Julius Victorsen carried on the business (1902) and it is interesting to note that the late E. J. Scott, and late William Hoare remained with the firm, under Louis and Julius Victorsen for 30 years.
Another point of interest is that Mr. P. T. Brebner, who arrived from Balaklava, joined Mr. Julius Victorsen, Jr. in 1903 and Mr. Brebner has carried on the Grocery Emporium since 1928 in a portion of what is still known far and wide as Victorsen's Buildings.
Mr. H. H. Pratt may take over the premises of the old Coffee Palace (formerly Globe Hotel) and the shop known as 'Elliott's' in Victorsen's Buildings with the intention to turn the premises into an up-to-date Coffee Palace and Restaurant. Mr.Pratt is to be commended for his enterprise.
The other portions of Victorsen Buildings will still be used by Mr. P. T. Brebner and by the Stanley Dried Fruits Association.
Wed 7 Jul 1954 Old Globe Hotel, Clare, Sold
Last week, Messrs Julius and Daniel Victorsen, came up from Adelaide to attend the sale of most of the remaning sections of what has long been called Victorsen's Buildings in Main St., Clare. That portion known once as the Old Globe Hotel (Dalgety &Co. have the front offices) was bought by Messrs Overton Bros.. and Mr. Alex L. Knappstein arranged the sale.
A Trip to California
A letter from Mr. Julius Victorsen. Fri 18 Sep 1925
Mr. Julius Victorsen, president of the Clare Dried Fruits Association, is at present spending a holiday in California.
Writing from Los Angeles on August 16 1925 to his brothers in Clare, be says : —
"This land and the people are wonderful. The latter seem full of energy and resource, and they certainly have a great country to work upon. I shall never forget the trip down. Gardens, oilfields by the dozens, and magnificent scenery.
The journey for the whole 500 miles was almost as crowded with motors as Adelaide to Morphettville is on a race day. Everybody has cars ; I haven't seen a horse drawn vehicle yet."
"On Tuesday morning next I leave here, per parlor car, for Mexico, another 500 miles. I am therefore seeing the country alright. Mexico I am told is very interesting. Will stay there a few days, and on my way back to S.F. will stay and visit prune plantations.
Travelling is so luxurious here that it is a pleasure instead of an ordeal as in Australia, This cement road runs all the way from Vancouver to Mexico, over 2,000 miles, smooth as glass all the way.
If we could only find oil, we might be able to do something with our country roads. Providence has been kind to this land — a land of milk, fruit, honey, oil, and wealth.
The theatres and picture shows here are palatial. This city has a population of 1,350,000, and is supposed to be one of the gayest in America. It impresses me more than San Francisco."
"It's pretty warm, being middle of summer, and climate very similar to South Australia on a December day.
Am having a wonderful time, but there's only one fly in the ointment, I have no pal. It's very lonely being on one's own. Have made several friends, but all the same have to spend a great deal of time on my lonesome.
The two things that have impressed me most here are the hotels and roads. The hotels certainly belie the Australian idea that the house part doesn't pay ; no booze sold here."
Read more: A Trip to California

'One of Clare's trump cards is its fruit.'
"The Stanley Dried Fruits Association was a registered packing shed which was handling the products of the district on highly modern lines.
An up-to-date dehydration plant had recently been installed."
WITHIN five years of the centenary of the arrival of his grandfather at Clare, Mr. Julius Victorsen, of Ingomar, Clare, who is the biggest prune-grower in the district and the second biggest in the State, is disposing of his fruit and vine property to live in Adelaide.
Fri 24 Mar 1944 Page 4 Farewell to Mr. Julius Victorsen
At his farewell dinner, the Mayor said they had joined together to say farewell to their old friend, who had decided to settle in Adelaide. The business established, bv his grandfather 95 years ago was situated firstly in Donnybrook, and for many years when situated in Main Street was the centre of the business life of the town.
Mr. Victorsen had been a fine citizen and he had identified himself with the vast majority of progressive movements of the town and district of Clare.
In the dried fruits industry Mr. Julius Victorsen had played an outstanding part, and his help in the industry in Clare and other parts of the State had been invaluable.
Mr. I. S. Scott (vice-president) spoke for the Clare Bowling Club and referred to the well-known Victorsen hospitality, and that his late parents had a very deep regard for the Victorsen family during the whole of their lives.
Mr. W. H. Penna (the new Chairman of the Stanley Dried Fruits Association) said Mr. Julius Victorsen may not have been a champion at bowls but he was certainly a champion for the S.D.F.A. His record of 23 years as chairman was one to be proud of.
Mr. Victorsen was a very broad-minded man and it was worth mentioning that he had helped the industry in the days when the growers were badly off and when they were practically in the hands of merchants and vested interests.
It was because of this the Association was formed.
Mr. Victorsen could see the good it would do and dropped his agency in Adelaide with a dried fruits firm to foster the co-operatiive movement.
The Board were sorry for him to go and wished him many years of en enjoyable life.
In presenting Mr. Victorsen with a Wallet of Notes the Mayor said they wanted him to buy something that would remind him of his long and active association with the life of Clare and district, and wished him all health and happiness on behalf of the town and district.
Mr. W. H. Penna presented a case of pipes from the S.D.F.A. as a memento of their regard and appreciation for services over a long period.

Mr. Julius Victorsen said he had made a few speeches in his time by way of farewell to other citizens, but had not realised until now how difficult and embarassing it was to be in the same position.
He did appreciate their kind thoughts.
No one liked to say farewell, but any man worth his salt would feel humiliated if he were to leave without some recognition.
He could look back on the history of Clare longer than any one present except Mr. Scales, and a lot of sad and happy events had occurred during his time.
For some years, and latterly because of manpower and petrol restrictions he had made himself more or less a hermit, with the exception of his dried fruit activities.
- He remembered well the negotiations, which he and others had taken part in, for the purchase of the Town Hall site.
One section wanted to renovate the Old Town Hall;
but eventually he and some of his friends were able to secure an option from the late Mr. James Hill, of 'Inchiquin', over the old mill site and
by raising £2,000 ensured its retention for the town.
Mr. Victorsen said he had many regrets at leaving Clare. He loved the little place, but did not desire an idle life and had not thought about becoming a member of the Legislative Council.
Mr. Quirke, M.P., said Mr. Victorsen as a dried fruits man, would probably go 'Mouldy' if he did so.
Read more:
Tue 22 Sep 1953 Fine Family Record
Six Victorsen brothers visited their sister Mrs. Celia Westland, at Glenelg, on Sunday, to say au revoir before she left for Sydney last night.
The family has been in Clare since 1849. George, last to leave the town, came to Adelaide a month ago to join the others. Brothers: Julius, Emanuel, Charles. Bert, George, Fred.
- A visitor to Clare last week was an old Clareite, 79 year old Mr. Julius Victorsen, of Adelaide.
- He was quite interested to hear details from one of the proprietors of the 'Northern Argus' (Mr- M. H. Tilbrook) who made a holiday trip recently to the River Murray settlements.
- He told Mr. Victorsen about a big Clock in a Morgan Hotel on which is inscribed — 'P. Victorsen. Jeweller, Clare.'
This was the inscription of Phillip Victorsen, a brother of Mr. Julius Victorsen's father (the late Louis Victorsen.)
Phillip had a jeweller's shop in Clare in the pioneering days of the town, in the premises later known as the (F.B.C.) Boot Co., and now used by Mr. D. Birdsey, newsagent in Main Street as portion of the T. P. Gillen Estate.
Farewell to Mr. L. C. Victorsen
Mr. L. Charles Victorsen, who is leaving Clare to take up business at Auburn, was given a public farewell at the Mayor's Parlor on Monday.
There was a large attendance of citizens.
Mr. Victorsen was born in Clare, being associated with its affairs since manhood. He was a wonderful citizen, with a big heart, and always doing his best for the town and district in every way.
Mr. Victorsen was not going far away, however, and he could assure him that he took with him the best wishes of the residents of the town and district for the future success of himself and family.
The name of Victorsen was an honored one in the town and district, having been associated with Clare since 1849, and it was a pity that the business then established could not be carried on in Clare beyond the third generation.
He hoped Mr. Hunter who was leasing Mr. Victorsen's premises would be able to carry on to the third generation. Mr. Victorsen had done all he possibly could for the welfare and advancement of the town and district, and he was sure he would do the same for Auburn.
Mr. H. A. French referred to his first acquaintance with the Victorsen
family in the early days of Clare. He was sorry to think that the oldest firm in Clare should now have no representative in Main street. He joined in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Victorsen success.
The Mayor presented Mr. Victorsen with a handsome clock and travelling bag.
Mr. L. C. Victorsen in reply said that the large gathering had upset
his feelings. He had never expected it.
He would never forget his association with the town, and would always remember the happy time he had spent from childhood on.
He thanked them heartily for their kindly expressions and presentation.
Read more: Farewell to Mr. L. C. Victorsen.

Family Photographs
Courtesy of Val Tilbrook

Above Left: 1940 Victorsen Family Portrait
Above Right: Victorsen Family in 1942 at Ingomar